Patch 6.2.2

Patch 6.2.2
Release date September 1, 2015
Initial version 20444
Interface .toc 60200 (changes)
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Patch 6.2.2 is the first minor patch after patch 6.2.0.

Flying on Draenor[]

PvP Mercenary Mode[]

  • Players are now able to act as a mercenary for the opposite faction in PvP whenever your faction is experiencing a long wait time to get into Ashran or unrated Battlegrounds. Agents of the enemy faction will appear at your base in Ashran (Stormshield for the Alliance, Warspear for the Horde) and allow you to enter Ashran or Battlegrounds disguised as an enemy player, and actually fight as the opposite faction.
  • While competing as a mercenary, players will automatically have their race changed into one appropriate for the opposite faction. Players will still be able to earn all the same rewards as winning or losing as their original faction (with the exception of faction-specific achievements).

Raids and Dungeons[]

New Timewalking Rewards

  • Players now receive a [Timewarped Badge] when they complete a Timewalking dungeon. These badges can be redeemed at new vendors that appear during a Timewalking bonus event. The new vendors sell new toys, new mounts, in addition to gear that scales up to the character's level at the time of purchase.

Timewalking Loot Changes

  • Timewalking bosses who had unusual drops, such as  [Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake], now have a chance to drop those items when defeated while Timewalking.

Hellfire Citadel

  • Fixed an issue where players are not added back to the threat list after dropping out of combat and accepting a battle resurrection.
  • Fixed an issue where Hellfire Assault: Spoils of the Assault chest could incorrectly appear to be already open.
  • Fixed an issue where Tyrant Velhari could not be clicked on if there is an Ancient Enforcer, Ancient Harbinger, or Ancient Sovereign near her.

Dungeon Finder Changes

  • Completing additional Random Warlords of Draenor Heroic dungeon after the first one now awards 50 [Garrison Resources] (up from 0).



  • Ashran now has a deserter mechanic. Upon entering, players receive a 10-minute buff called Ashran Tour of Duty. If the player leaves an Ashran match before this buff expires, a 15-minute debuff called Recreant will be applied that prevents entry into another Ashran match.
  • The timer on receiving a notification to join Ashran has increased to 2 minutes (from 1 minute)
  •  [Aviana's Feather] can no longer be used in Ashran.


Legendary Ring Quest Line

  • New weekly quests have been added to help players catch-up in earlier stages of the Legendary Ring Quest Line for Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry.

Events and World Environment[]

Bonus Events

  • Bonus Events now begin earlier in the week on Wednesday. End date remains the same so there's now more time to complete the bonus event! Check the in-game calendar for new start times of each bonus event.

In-Game World Events


  • The interior of the Armory at Stormshield should now be correctly furnished.
  • Removed a stack of objects floating outside of the Armory at Stormshield.

Frostfire Ridge

  • Cartographers have been notified and corrected a spelling error on the world map.

Creatures, and NPCs[]

Tanaan Jungle

  • Behind the doors of the outdoors version of Hellfire Citadel awaits a new rare elite with a special drop for world PvP enthusiasts, the Spike-Toed Booterang.
  • Go beyond the dark portal on a flying mount to find three new rare elite Bleeding Hollow orcs that have a chance of dropping one of three new Crashin’ Thrashin’ toys.
  • Steelsnout should now be correctly immune to being trapped by  [Deadly Iron Trap].


  • Soar above the skies of Nagrand and explore the outdoors version of Highmaul and battle with three new rare elite ogres for a chance at one of three arcane-infused Manafiend battle pets.

Shadowmoon Valley

Darkmoon Island


Toy Box[]


  • The maximum size of a mount is now capped at 150% of base size for cosmetic effects (up from 100%). Additionally, the minimum size of a mount is no longer capped.




  • A new events coordinator can now be found in level 3 garrisons. Visit the coordinator during Hallow’s End or Feast of Winter Veil to obtain garrison decorations that are usable all year round!


  • Pallas' Apex Predator trait should now correctly counter Aberrations or Furies on garrison missions.

Shipyard and Naval Missions

  • Ship equipment items now have "Naval Equipment" in the item tooltip, enabling it to be searchable through the bag search UI.
  • Fixed an issue where completing a naval mission at the Naval Command Table did not cause the Garrison Report icon to stop blinking.


  • Target marker icons have been disabled in public chat channels.
  • There is now an option to disable Adventure Guide alerts in the Interface options menu, under display settings.


Racial Abilities[]

Blood Elf

  • [Arcane Torrent] now has a reduced cooldown of 1.5 minutes (down from 2 minutes).



  • [Hardiness] now reduces the duration of Stun effects by an additional 20% (up from 15%).


  • [Da Voodoo Shuffle] now reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 20% (up from 15%). Trolls still be flippin' out mon!


  • [War Stomp] now has a reduced cooldown of 1.5 minutes (down from 2 minutes), and cast time is no longer increased by damage (via spell pushback).


  • [Touch of the Grave] now scales its damage based on 50% of the character's Attack Power or Spell Power, whichever is greater.







Table of patches

0.x – Pre-release
1.x – World of Warcraft
2.x – The Burning Crusade
3.x – Wrath of the Lich King
Cataclysm 4.x – Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria 5.x – Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor 6.x – Warlords of Draenor
Legion 7.x – Legion
Battle for Azeroth 8.x – Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands 9.x – Shadowlands
Dragonflight 10.x – Dragonflight
Removed content