Plagueheart Raiment

  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012

“I’ve always known warlocks to be interested in seeking power in the darkest of places—and making bargains most people in their right minds wouldn’t make. The Plagueheart Raiment is made of cloth scraps from Naxxramas, fouled with plague and pestilence and left entirely uncleansed, which seems to be the point of it: the source of power that makes the corrupting, painful spells of the warlock who wears it even stronger.”

World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 149
Plagueheart Raiment

Plagueheart Raiment

Plagueheart Raiment is the tier 3 warlock set.


Most tier 3 items can be acquired through quests given by Mataus the Wrathcaster, who can be found in Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. Before the quests become active, Echoes of War must be completed.

The quests require several crafting materials, [Wartorn Cloth Scrap]s (which drop from trash mobs in Naxxramas) as well as a token from a boss in Naxxramas

The only exception is the [Plagueheart Ring], which drops directly from Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas.

Item Quest Token Token drops from # of [Wartorn Cloth Scrap]s Crafting materials
 [Plagueheart Belt] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Belt [Desecrated Belt] Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, Gluth 8 2x  [Mooncloth], 2x  [Arcane Crystal]
 [Plagueheart Bindings] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Bindings [Desecrated Bindings] Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina, Gluth 6 1x  [Arcane Crystal], 2x  [Nexus Crystal]
 [Plagueheart Circlet] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Circlet [Desecrated Circlet] Thaddius 15 3x  [Mooncloth], 3x  [Nexus Crystal]
 [Plagueheart Gloves] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Gloves [Desecrated Gloves] Maexxna 8 4x  [Mooncloth]
 [Plagueheart Leggings] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Leggings [Desecrated Leggings] Loatheb 20 4x  [Mooncloth], 2x  [Nexus Crystal]
 [Plagueheart Robe] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Robe [Desecrated Robe] The Four Horsemen 25 4x  [Mooncloth], 2x  [Nexus Crystal]
 [Plagueheart Sandals] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Sandals [Desecrated Sandals] Instructor Razuvious, Gothik the Harvester, Gluth 12 2x  [Mooncloth], 3x  [Cured Rugged Hide]
 [Plagueheart Shoulderpads] N Warlock [60R] Plagueheart Shoulderpads [Desecrated Shoulderpads] Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth 12 4x  [Mooncloth], 3x  [Cured Rugged Hide]
Total 106 23x  [Mooncloth], 6x  [Cured Rugged Hide], 9x  [Nexus Crystal], 2x  [Arcane Crystal]


Plagueheart Raiment

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]


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