
  • ️Tue Jan 20 2009
"Spear" redirects here. For the scrapped weapon type, see Spear (weapon type).

A polearm is a large two-handed edged weapon, usually in the form of a long metal or wood pole a bit taller than a person, with an axe-like head. Polearms are the least common of all melee weapons.

Sometimes a polearm will have a spear-like point or mace-like protrusions, but in combination so as to not qualify as a spear and too long a handle to be a mace. Polearms generally attack very slowly, but cause large amounts of damage on a hit.

Polearms can be wielded by death knights, Monks, paladins, warriors, and druids. Hunters can also wield polearms, but are unable to use ranged attacks when wielding one.

Notable polearms[]

This section contains information that is out-of-date.

Icecrown Citadel[]

Heroic Halls of Reflection[]

Heroic Trial of the Champion[]

Heroic Ulduar[]



Eye of Eternity[]

Heroic Naxxramas[]


Heroic Violet Hold[]

Antorus, the Burning Throne[]

Level 20[]


Patch changes[]

External links[]

External link Wowhead Browse a list of all polearms