Shaman abilities (Classic)
- For shaman abilities and talents on retail servers, see Shaman abilities.
Shaman talents and abilities in the various Classic expansion versions.
Prior to Cataclysm, there was no explicit choice of specialization. Abilities were divided up for organizational reasons, but could be freely learned by all characters.
Elemental Combat
Ability Level Source [Lightning Bolt]
1 Default [Earth Shock]
4 Trainer [Earthbind Totem]
6 Trainer [Stoneclaw Totem]
8 Trainer [Flame Shock]
10 Trainer [Searing Totem]
10 [13] Call of Fire
[Fire Nova Totem]
12 Trainer [Purge]
12 Trainer [Frost Shock]
20 Trainer [Magma Totem]
26 Trainer [Chain Lightning]
32 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Rockbiter Weapon]
1 Trainer [Sentry Totem]
4 Trainer [Stoneskin Totem]
4 Call of Earth [Lightning Shield]
8 Trainer [Flametongue Weapon]
10 Trainer [Strength of Earth Totem]
10 Trainer [Frostbrand Weapon]
20 Trainer [Ghost Wolf]
20 Trainer [Water Breathing]
22 Trainer [Frost Resistance Totem]
24 Trainer [Far Sight]
26 Trainer [Fire Resistance Totem]
28 Trainer [Water Walking]
28 Trainer [Astral Recall]
30 Trainer [Grounding Totem]
30 Trainer [Nature Resistance Totem]
30 Trainer [Windfury Weapon]
30 Trainer [Windfury Totem]
32 Trainer [Windwall Totem]
36 Trainer [Grace of Air Totem]
42 Trainer [Flametongue Totem]
58 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Healing Wave]
1 Default [Ancestral Spirit]
12 Trainer [Cure Poison]
16 Trainer [Tremor Totem]
18 Trainer [Healing Stream Totem]
20 [23] Call of Water
[Lesser Healing Wave]
20 Trainer [Cure Disease]
22 Trainer [Poison Cleansing Totem]
22 Trainer [Mana Spring Totem]
26 Trainer [Reincarnation]
30 Trainer [Disease Cleansing Totem]
38 Trainer [Chain Heal]
40 Trainer [Tranquil Air Totem]
50 Trainer
Burning Crusade Classic[]
Elemental Combat
Ability Level Source [Lightning Bolt]
1 Default [Earth Shock]
4 Trainer [Earthbind Totem]
6 Trainer [Stoneclaw Totem]
8 Trainer [Flame Shock]
10 Trainer [Searing Totem]
10 [10] Call of Fire
[Fire Nova Totem]
12 Trainer [Purge]
12 Trainer [Frost Shock]
20 Trainer [Magma Totem]
26 Trainer [Chain Lightning]
32 Trainer [Fire Elemental Totem]
68 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Rockbiter Weapon]
1 Trainer [Sentry Totem]
4 Trainer [Stoneskin Totem]
4 Call of Earth [Lightning Shield]
8 Trainer [Flametongue Weapon]
10 Trainer [Strength of Earth Totem]
10 Trainer [Frostbrand Weapon]
20 Trainer [Ghost Wolf]
20 Trainer [Water Breathing]
22 Trainer [Frost Resistance Totem]
24 Trainer [Far Sight]
26 Trainer [Fire Resistance Totem]
28 Trainer [Water Walking]
28 Trainer [Astral Recall]
30 Trainer [Grounding Totem]
30 Trainer [Nature Resistance Totem]
30 Trainer [Windfury Weapon]
30 Trainer [Windfury Totem]
32 Trainer [Windwall Totem]
36 Trainer [Grace of Air Totem]
42 Trainer [Flametongue Totem]
58 Trainer [Wrath of Air Totem]
64 Trainer [Earth Elemental Totem]
66 Trainer [Bloodlust]
70 Trainer
70 Trainer
Ability Level Source [Healing Wave]
1 Default [Ancestral Spirit]
12 Trainer [Cure Poison]
16 Trainer [Tremor Totem]
18 Trainer [Healing Stream Totem]
20 Call of Water [Lesser Healing Wave]
20 Trainer [Cure Disease]
22 Trainer [Poison Cleansing Totem]
22 Trainer [Mana Spring Totem]
26 Trainer [Reincarnation]
30 Trainer [Totemic Call]
30 Trainer [Disease Cleansing Totem]
38 Trainer [Chain Heal]
40 Trainer [Tranquil Air Totem]
50 Trainer [Water Shield]
62 Trainer
Wrath of the Lich King Classic[]
Elemental Combat
Ability Level Source [Lightning Bolt]
1 Default [Earth Shock]
4 Trainer [Earthbind Totem]
6 Trainer [Stoneclaw Totem]
8 Trainer [Flame Shock]
10 Trainer [Searing Totem]
10 [10] Call of Fire
[Fire Nova]
12 Trainer [Purge]
12 Trainer [Wind Shear]
16 Trainer [Frost Shock]
20 Trainer [Magma Totem]
26 Trainer [Call of the Elements]
30 Trainer [Chain Lightning]
32 Trainer [Call of the Ancestors]
40 Trainer [Call of the Spirits]
50 Trainer [Fire Elemental Totem]
68 Trainer [Lava Burst]
75 Trainer [Hex]
80 Trainer -
Ability Level Source [Rockbiter Weapon]
1 Trainer [Stoneskin Totem]
4 Call of Earth [Lightning Shield]
8 Trainer [Flametongue Weapon]
10 Trainer [Strength of Earth Totem]
10 Trainer [Ghost Wolf]
16 Trainer [Frostbrand Weapon]
20 Trainer [Water Breathing]
22 Trainer [Frost Resistance Totem]
24 Trainer [Far Sight]
26 Trainer [Fire Resistance Totem]
28 Trainer [Flametongue Totem]
28 Trainer [Water Walking]
28 Trainer [Astral Recall]
30 Trainer [Grounding Totem]
30 Trainer [Nature Resistance Totem]
30 Trainer [Windfury Weapon]
30 Trainer [Windfury Totem]
32 Trainer [Sentry Totem]
34 Trainer [Wrath of Air Totem]
64 Trainer [Earth Elemental Totem]
66 Trainer [Bloodlust]
70 Trainer
70 Trainer
Ability Level Source [Healing Wave]
1 Default [Ancestral Spirit]
12 Trainer [Cure Toxins]
16 Trainer [Tremor Totem]
18 Trainer [Healing Stream Totem]
20 Call of Water [Lesser Healing Wave]
20 Trainer [Mana Spring Totem]
26 Trainer [Earthliving Weapon]
30 Trainer [Reincarnation]
30 Trainer [Totemic Recall]
30 Trainer [Cleansing Totem]
38 Trainer [Chain Heal]
40 Trainer [Water Shield]
62 Trainer
Talents become available at level 10. Prior to Mists of Pandaria, players could freely mix talents from multiple trees, as long as they had available talent points.
Elemental Combat
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Convection]
5 [Concussion]
5 2 [Earth's Grasp]
2 [Elemental Warding]
3 [Call of Flame]
3 3 [Elemental Focus]
1 [Reverberation]
5 [Call of Thunder]
5 4 [Improved Fire Totems]
2 [Eye of the Storm]
3 [Elemental Devastation]
3 5 [Storm Reach]
2 [Elemental Fury]
1 6 [Lightning Mastery]
5 Call of Thunder 7 [Elemental Mastery]
1 Elemental Fury -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Ancestral Knowledge]
5 [Shield Specialization]
5 2 [Guardian Totems]
2 [Thundering Strikes]
5 [Improved Ghost Wolf]
2 [Improved Lightning Shield]
3 3 [Enhancing Totems]
2 [Two-Handed Axes and Maces]
1 [Anticipation]
5 4 [Flurry]
5 Thundering Strikes [Toughness]
5 5 [Improved Weapon Totems]
2 [Elemental Weapons]
3 [Parry]
1 6 [Weapon Mastery]
5 7 [Stormstrike]
1 Elemental Weapons -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Healing Wave]
5 [Tidal Focus]
5 2 [Improved Reincarnation]
2 [Ancestral Healing]
3 [Totemic Focus]
5 3 [Nature's Guidance]
3 [Healing Focus]
5 [Totemic Mastery]
1 [Healing Grace]
3 4 [Restorative Totems]
5 [Tidal Mastery]
5 5 [Healing Way]
3 [Nature's Swiftness]
1 6 [Purification]
5 7 [Mana Tide Totem]
1 Restorative Totems
Burning Crusade Classic[]
Elemental Combat
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Convection]
5 [Concussion]
5 2 [Earth's Grasp]
2 [Elemental Warding]
3 [Call of Flame]
3 3 [Elemental Focus]
1 [Reverberation]
5 [Call of Thunder]
5 4 [Improved Fire Totems]
2 [Eye of the Storm]
3 [Elemental Devastation]
3 5 [Storm Reach]
2 [Elemental Fury]
1 [Unrelenting Storm]
5 6 [Elemental Precision]
3 [Lightning Mastery]
5 Call of Thunder 7 [Elemental Mastery]
1 Elemental Fury [Elemental Shields]
3 8 [Lightning Overload]
5 9 [Totem of Wrath]
1 Lightning Overload -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Ancestral Knowledge]
5 [Shield Specialization]
5 2 [Guardian Totems]
2 [Thundering Strikes]
5 [Improved Ghost Wolf]
2 [Improved Lightning Shield]
3 3 [Enhancing Totems]
2 [Shamanistic Focus]
1 [Anticipation]
5 4 [Flurry]
5 Thundering Strikes [Toughness]
5 5 [Improved Weapon Totems]
2 [Spirit Weapons]
1 [Elemental Weapons]
3 6 [Mental Quickness]
3 [Weapon Mastery]
5 7 [Dual Wield Specialization]
3 Dual Wield [Dual Wield]
1 Spirit Weapons [Stormstrike]
1 Elemental Weapons 8 [Unleashed Rage]
5 9 [Shamanistic Rage]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Healing Wave]
5 [Tidal Focus]
5 2 [Improved Reincarnation]
2 [Ancestral Healing]
3 [Totemic Focus]
5 3 [Nature's Guidance]
3 [Healing Focus]
5 [Totemic Mastery]
1 [Healing Grace]
3 4 [Restorative Totems]
5 [Tidal Mastery]
5 5 [Healing Way]
3 [Nature's Swiftness]
1 [Focused Mind]
3 6 [Purification]
5 7 [Mana Tide Totem]
1 Restorative Totems [Nature's Guardian]
5 8 [Nature's Blessing]
3 [Improved Chain Heal]
2 9 [Earth Shield]
1 Nature's Blessing
Wrath of the Lich King Classic[]
Elemental Combat
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Convection]
5 [Concussion]
5 2 [Call of Flame]
3 [Elemental Warding]
3 [Elemental Devastation]
3 3 [Reverberation]
5 [Elemental Focus]
1 [Elemental Fury]
5 4 [Improved Fire Nova]
2 [Eye of the Storm]
3 5 [Elemental Reach]
2 [Call of Thunder]
1 Elemental Focus [Unrelenting Storm]
5 6 [Elemental Precision]
3 [Lightning Mastery]
5 7 [Elemental Mastery]
1 Call of Thunder [Storm, Earth and Fire]
3 8 [Booming Echoes]
2 [Elemental Oath]
2 Elemental Mastery [Lightning Overload]
3 9 [Astral Shift]
3 [Totem of Wrath]
1 [Lava Flows]
3 10 [Shamanism]
5 11 [Thunderstorm]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Enhancing Totems]
3 [Earth's Grasp]
2 [Ancestral Knowledge]
5 2 [Guardian Totems]
2 [Thundering Strikes]
5 [Improved Ghost Wolf]
2 [Improved Shields]
3 3 [Elemental Weapons]
3 [Shamanistic Focus]
1 [Anticipation]
3 4 [Flurry]
5 Thundering Strikes [Toughness]
5 5 [Improved Windfury Totem]
2 [Spirit Weapons]
1 [Mental Dexterity]
3 6 [Unleashed Rage]
3 [Weapon Mastery]
3 [Frozen Power]
2 7 [Dual Wield Specialization]
3 Dual Wield [Dual Wield]
1 Spirit Weapons [Stormstrike]
1 8 [Static Shock]
3 [Lava Lash]
1 Dual Wield [Improved Stormstrike]
2 Stormstrike 9 [Mental Quickness]
3 [Shamanistic Rage]
1 [Earthen Power]
2 10 [Maelstrom Weapon]
5 11 [Feral Spirit]
1 -
Tier Talent Ranks Requirement 1 [Improved Healing Wave]
5 [Totemic Focus]
5 2 [Improved Reincarnation]
2 [Healing Grace]
3 [Tidal Focus]
5 3 [Improved Water Shield]
3 [Healing Focus]
3 [Tidal Force]
1 [Ancestral Healing]
3 4 [Restorative Totems]
3 [Tidal Mastery]
5 5 [Healing Way]
3 [Nature's Swiftness]
1 [Focused Mind]
3 6 [Purification]
5 7 [Nature's Guardian]
5 [Mana Tide Totem]
1 Restorative Totems [Cleanse Spirit]
1 Purification 8 [Blessing of the Eternals]
2 [Improved Chain Heal]
2 [Nature's Blessing]
3 9 [Ancestral Awakening]
3 [Earth Shield]
1 [Improved Earth Shield]
2 Earth Shield 10 [Tidal Waves]
5 11 [Riptide]