Southern Barrens warfront

The subject of this article or section did not make it out of the alpha stages of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth.
  • The in-game information in this article or section is kept purely for historical purposes.

An unnamed Southern Barrens warfront was experimented upon by Blizzard Entertainment for the release of Battle for Azeroth. It was a very early internal prototype, which served as a test bed before any of the new areas were created.[1] It would have involved the Alliance attacking the Great Gate to Mulgore,[2] and many unused NPC IDs were added for it, but it was never completed.

Story-wise, despite the warfront not being released, it seems the Alliance still tried to reestablish Fort Triumph[3] along Bael Modan.[4][5][6] The Great Gate was still besieged by the Alliance.[7]


It is unknown which commanders would have appeared.


The following Fort Triumph/Northwatch Expeditionary Unit soldiers were added in patch 8.0.1 but never used, being presumably intended to appear in the warfront:

The Horde would have presumably deployed tauren and Desolation Hold soldiers, such as Desolation Guards, Desolation Raiders, Desolation Wind Riders, Desolation Champions, Northwatch Assassins, and Northwatch Ambushers.



  • For a time even after release, the warfront music could be heard while in the Southern Barrens, a remnant of the experimentation on making the warfront.
