The Champion of the Horde

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
HordeThe Champion of the Horde
Start Thrall
End Rexxar
Level 60 (Requires 55)
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 3300
Rewards none
Previous H [60] What the Wind Carries
Next H [60] Mistress of Deception


This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Seek out Rexxar. The Warchief has instructed you as to his whereabouts. Search the paths of Desolace, between the Stonetalon Mountains and Feralas.

This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Seek out Rokaro at Shadowprey Village in Desolace.


This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

I have received word from one of my champions that a way into the lair of the dragon may exist. You are to seek him out.

Rexxar wanders the desert wasteland of Desolace, traveling between Stonetalon and Feralas. He awaits your arrival.

This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Rexxar, one of my most loyal champions, has discovered a way into the lair of the dragon. However he has left Azeroth to join our expedition into Outland.

However, he left his companion, Rokaro, in Shadowprey Village with this information. You are to seek him out.


Keep at it, <name>.


This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

There is but one way into the dragon's lair, <race>.

You see, only the strongest of the Black Dragonflight are allowed entry into the lair of the brood mother. Many trials must be passed and the key to enter ceremoniously enchanted by General Drakkisath himself!

Since you are not of black dragonkin, you may have some difficulty in obtaining passage.

<Rexxar grins.>

This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

There's only one way you'll be getting into the dragon's lair. Unless, of course, you happen to be an honored member of the Black Dragonflight.

Even then, you'd have to pass many trials and then have the key enchanted by General Drakkisath himself.

But aren't you lucky? That's where I come in.


This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Rexxar wanders the road from Feralas to Stonetalon Peak, except he cuts north from the area with the demons and goes through the Kodo Graveyard, before taking the road north out of there (or south into there). He also wanders slightly into Stonetalon Peak and Feralas (as far as The Twin Colossals in Feralas) so if you're having no luck finding him, search a little into both zones.

This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Rexxar was moved from his patrol area to the Thunderlord Stronghold in the Blade's Edge Mountains of northern Outland. He has been replaced by an orc named Rokaro, who resides at Shadowprey Village. He does not patrol as Rexxar did, and thus is easy to find.


This quest was a part of the Onyxia's Lair attunement chain.

  1. H [60D] Warlord's Command
  2. H [60] Eitrigg's Wisdom
  3. H [60R] For The Horde!
  4. H [60] What the Wind Carries
  5. H [60] The Champion of the Horde
  6. H [60] Mistress of Deception
  7. H [60R] Oculus Illusions
  8. H [60R] Emberstrife
  9. H [60] The Test of Skulls, Axtroz
  10. H [60] Ascension...
  11. H [60R] Blood of the Black Dragon Champion

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