The Fires Down Below (WC3 demo)
The Fires Down Below | ||||
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Location | Darkspear Islands | |||
Result |
Prisoners rescued and escaped
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Previous | Riders on the Storm | |||
Next | Countdown to Extinction |
The Fires Down Below is chapter 4 of the Exodus of the Horde campaign.
Thrall, finding himself a prisoner of the murlocs in a cavern, combines forces with jungle trolls to escape. During their escape, Sen'jin was sacrificed by a Murloc Sorcerer and although it was killed the cave began to quake and the Horde had to escape.
Loading Screen[]
- Thrall finds himself in an underground lair, held prisoner by the murlocs and separated from his companions.
Main Quests[]
20px The Great Escape[]

- Objectives
- Rescue 10 Prisoners
- Description
20px The Ritual[]

- Objectives
- Kill the Murloc Sorcerer
- Description
- You must kill the Murloc Sorcerer who holds Sen'Jin captive.

Mission Fails[]
- Thrall has been slain.
- The Great Escape (Although is not explained, it is when various prisoners die).
- Attack prison gates to destroy them and free prisoners.
- Some rocks may be destroyed.
- Thrall's Far Sight spell is not available for use in underground caverns.
Intro cinematic[]
Thrall: "I wonder what these strange fish-creatures want with us?"
Troll Headhunter: "The murlocs used to be peaceful, but lately they been catchin' us and usin' us for sacrifices."
Thrall: "Sacrifices? To what?"
Troll Headhunter: "A long time ago they started worshipin' some witch. They say she lives under the ocean, and if they don't make the sacrifices, she'll destroy this island."
Thrall: "Well, someone should have told them that orcs don't scare that easily. Now, let's get out of here!"
Between the battle[]
Prison Break Scene[]
Between the battle (2)[]
Middle cinematic[]
Grunt: "Warchief, Sen'Jin was just taken away by the fish-creatures! I tried to stop them, but there were too many. They said he is to be sacrificed to their witch!"
Thrall: "Then we have no time to lose! Sen'Jin must be freed!"
Shaman: "Warchief, I sense a protective shield around the sorcerer. I believe these three fish-creatures are helping maintain it."
Murloc Sorcerer: "Pathetic fools! You will not stop us from receiving what has been promised."
Thrall: "Sen'Jin!"
Murloc Sorcerer: "Don't despair. You'll soon be joining him!"
Murloc Sorcerer: "The exalted one would be most displeased if I allowed you to escape. Her will must be done!"
Thrall: "Perhaps you and the witch can discuss it in the afterlife."
Ending cinematic[]
Sen'Jin: "The vision told me you would lead my people off this island."
Sen'Jin: "You don't have much time, young one. Go!"
Thrall: "But you and your people are coming with us!"
Sen'Jin: "It be too late. I'm already gone."
Thrall: "Those of you who wish to follow me will face many dangers. It will not be easy. But if you wish to join us, you're welcome."
Troll Headhunter: "Yah, mon, pretty soon there be nothing left here anyway. We come with you."
Sea Witch: "Make peace with your gods, land-dwellers! You cannot escape the currents of death so easily!"
Grunt: "Where is that voice coming from?"
Thrall: "I don't know, but we have no time to waste. This cave is about to collapse!"
Unused quotes[]
The battle[]
After escaping from his cell Thrall moves forward rescuing Orc and Troll prisoners, even as he leads them against the Murlocs and other creatures. At one point in their march to rescue Sen'jin and escape, Thrall witnesses a massive jailbreak of trapped Alliance forces. Deciding to hang back, Thrall allows for the Murlocs and Alliance to significantly weaken one another before deciding to moving in to finish off the survivors. Soon after he frees the last of the prisons but discovers that the Murlocs just took Sen'jin in order to sacrifice him. With this knowledge in hand Thrall quickly moves forward to save Sen'jin but is ultimately too late. With Sen'jin avenged and the Darkspear apart of the Horde (per Sen'jin's dying wish), Thrall leads the survivors to the surface in order to reunite with the rest of the Horde.
- This mission was cut out of the full game with just the tutorial levels left in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. The mission was first seen in the Warcraft III Demo which was made available after the release of the game. In Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Blizzard Entertainment made a custom campaign which included the missions that were exclusive to the demo campaign; however, the voice acting was removed as the demo voice acting had only been recorded in English and Blizzard was unable to localize it for other regions.
- In the custom campaign there is a visibility bug with Sen'Jin not present in the demo campaign. The troll appears stand up in the final cinematic and then a second later appears in the floor, even thought he was supposed to be in the floor since the Murloc Sorcerer attacked him.
- 3 Potion of Mana
- 5 Scroll of Healing
- Scroll of Mana
- Potion of Greater Mana
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Scroll of Protection (Warcraft III)
- Claws of Attack +6
- Ring of Protection +2
- Tome of Strength
- Tome of Agility +2
- Tome of Intelligence +2
- Tome of Strength +2
- Tome of Knowledge (Warcraft III)
- Orb of Fire
- Hood of Cunning
Orc Campaign: Exodus of the Horde | |