The Only Way Past Is Through

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralThe Only Way Past Is Through
Start Tutaqan[53.9, 41.3]
End Tutaqan[53.9, 41.3]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Iskaara Tuskarr
Experience 9,500
Rewards 28g 9s
Previous N [70] In Mourning
Next N [70] Calling the Hunting Party


Help Tutaqan find a new ottuk companion.


Unujaak told you to come, didn't he? He was the one who helped me find Ipko when I became a hunter--or, rather, helped Ipko find me. They choose and we are chosen.

He is hurting. Everyone is hurting because of me. I know that they need me to lead, but I have been half of a leader without her. If I couldn't protect her, how can I protect all of Uktulut?

<He takes a deep breath.>

I cannot forgive myself. But I cannot let that weight keep me from putting at least one foot on the path I must walk.


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 9,500 XP


I knew this would happen one day, though it does not blunt the pain.


Nothing will replace Ipko. But water can only fill hands cupped to receive it.


On accept
Tutaqan says: Around us is where our ottuks are kept during training. Each would make a fine companion for the hunter who suits them.
Tutaqan says: My heart is still too heavy to search myself--but if you are able to bring any ottuks to me, I would meet them.

Dismount first before interacting with the ottuks.

Peaceful Ottuk
<The ottuk perks up when you approach, lifting his head and whining for attention.
It looks like he wants you to pet him!>
Gossip <Pet the ottuk.>

The ottuk begins following the player. Bring him to Tutaqan:

Peaceful Ottuk trots leisurely up to Tutaqan and settles down, squeaking as he yawns.
Tutaqan says: Oh, what a very sweet friend you are! So calm... So serene!
Tutaqan says: Unfortunately, he's still too young and soft-hearted. The tides of the world are rough. Let him keep to his holt a while longer.
The ottuk leaves.
Territorial Ottuk
<The ottuk growls at you menacingly when you come near her.
She doesn't seem to want you to touch her.
Maybe you could lure her with a toy?>

Grab the nearby  [Broken Fishing Pole] and  [Stuffed Duckling Toy], combine them with the Extra Action Button that pops up.

 Create Lure — Combine a Broken Fishing Pole and a Stuffed Duckling Toy to create an Ottuk Lure. 2.5 sec cast

Return to the Territorial Ottuk and speak with her again:

Gossip <Wiggle the toy in front of the ottuk.>

The ottuk begins following the player. Bring her to Tutaqan:

Territorial Ottuk loses interest in the toy and growls at Tutaqan, thumping her tail against the ground.
Tutaqan says: Little one, I have no desire to fight you. I know the village is large and you feel as though you cannot control it. But control is not the armor you think it is.
Tutaqan says: Just like tuskarr, some ottuks can be glory-eager. But I do not fight for the sake of fighting.
Dutiful Ottuk
<The ottuk seems preoccupied with making sure the other ottuks are eating. Maybe if they had more food, the ottuk might be willing to follow you.>

Grab the nearby Meaty Crab and return to the Dutiful Ottuk.

Gossip <Offer the crab to the ottuk.>

The ottuk begins following the player. Bring him to Tutaqan:

Tutaqan says: <Name>, I'm thankful for your efforts, but I fear that--
Dutiful Ottuk approaches Tutaqan and lays the crab at his feet.
Tutaqan says: I appreciate the gift, but you did not have to give it. You could use it more than I could.
The ottuk nudges the offered crab forward with his nose.
Tutaqan says: I see. We have a word for this--a type of duty that is known, not taught. As innate to a tuskarr as breathing. That word is "qipi." We have many stories that teach its importance.
Tutaqan says: A fitting name, I think, if you will accept it.
The ottuk chirps once and presses the side of his face into Tutaqan's hand.
On completion
The next quest starts automatically.
The sound of a tuskarr hunting horn bellows from the village's center!
Tutaqan says: That's my horn... Why is the hunting party being called now?
Tutaqan says: We must go--quickly. I fear we might have stepped too far out onto thin ice.
Tutaqan runs toward the center of the village.
Qipi glances back at his holt and then scurries after Tutaqan.


  1. N [70] A Lost Tribe
  2. N [70] Sudden Isolation
  3. N [70] Pressing Matters
  4. N [70] Worst Impressions
  5. N [70] Troubled Waters & N [70] Salvaging Supplies
  6. N [70] Testing the Tuskarrsenal
  7. N [70] All But One
  8. N [70] Closure
  9. N [70] In Mourning
  10. N [70] The Only Way Past Is Through
  11. N [70] Calling the Hunting Party
  12. N [70] While the Iron Is Hot

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