The Witchqueen

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralThe Witchqueen
Start Lasan Skyhorn
End Lasan Skyhorn
Level 10-45
Category Highmountain
Experience 15,050
Rewards Artifact Relic

15g 40s

Previous N [10-45] The Three, N [10-45] Assaulting the Haglands
Next N [10-45] The Skies of Highmountain
High Crawliac

High Crawliac
Queen of the harpies.


Slay High Crawliac, the Witchqueen.


The time has come to assault High Crawliac, the Witchqueen.

You should know that one does not become queen of the harpies through kindness.

This creature has killed, betrayed, and tormented countless tauren, harpies, kobolds, and anything else she had to in order to secure her position as queen.

I suspect your artifact is the only way we are going to stand a chance in this fight.

Come, friend, let us finish this.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Specs Artifact Relic
Balance Arcane  [Crawliac Charming Draught],  [Errant Mana]
Blood Outlaw  [Heart of the Witchqueen],  [Skyhorn Survivalist's Blood]
Havoc Destruction  [Crawliac Death Scream],  [Fleshrender Roc Essence]
Unholy Guardian Beast Mastery Fire Fury  [Scorched Skyhorn Shawl],  [Cinderwitch Flame-Song]
Frost Feral Frost Elemental  [Haglands Ice Shard],  [Frosted Great Eagle Egg]
Holy Protection Retribution Discipline Holy  [Honor of the Skyhorn],  [Lasan's Hope]
Vengeance Arms Protection  [Rockcrawler Jaw],  [Lasan's Determination]
Restoration Brewmaster  [Darkfeather Seedling],  [Hex-Cleansed Charm]
Shadow Assassination Subtlety Affliction Demonology  [Crawliac Hexrune],  [Vengeful Skyhorn Spirit]
Mistweaver Restoration
Marksmanship Survival Windwalker Enhancement  [Julan's Suppressing Wind],  [Skyhorn Eagle Feather]

You will also receive:


You have our respect and honor, <name>. I name you Skyfriend, and grant you free passage through our lands at your discretion.


On accept, Lasan mounts up on Aviash and flies to High Crawliac's roost.

Lasan Skyhorn says: Come, champion. Let us pluck this Witchqueen from her throne.

After killing High Crawliac:

Lasan Skyhorn says: Ha! Now that was a battle.
[Haglands Snowmelt] [Tears of the Skyhorn]


  1. N [10-45] The Skyhorn Tribe
  2. N [10-45] Nursing the Wounds
  3. N [10-45] Rocs vs Eagles
  4. N [10-45] The Three & N [10-45] Assaulting the Haglands
  5. N [10-45] The Witchqueen
  6. N [10-45] The Skies of Highmountain

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