Tina Mudclaw

  • ️Wed Sep 11 2013
NeutralTina Mudclaw
Image of Tina Mudclaw
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Tillers
Location Halfhill Market, Valley of the Four Winds; Timeless Isle
Status Alive
Relative(s) Nana Mudclaw (great-grandmother), Haohan Mudclaw (father), Gina Mudclaw (sister), Den Mudclaw, Mina Mudclaw

Tina Mudclaw is a pandaren farmer and a member of The Tillers. She is the kind yet spoiled daughter of Haohan Mudclaw who loves expensive gifts.


Mists of Pandaria[]

Tina has a sharp eye for fashion and regards beautiful objects to be of high value. She owns a variety of expensive jewelry, which unfortunately sometimes gets stolen by virmen. She will sometimes sneak out of the family home and from her father to visit her sister Gina at Halfhill Market. Additionally, she is implied to have feelings for Farmer Fung, whom she finds "dreamy", although she also notes that Farmer Yoon has "nice eyes".

Tina likes Ruby Shards and  [Fire Spirit Salmon].

Once you become best friends, Tina has new furniture installed into the farmhouse at Sunsong Ranch, which includes a bed and a working stove.

Tina can be seen in the Celestial Court on the Timeless Isle.

Faction description[]

Tina Mudclaw is fond of the delicate things in life.


One-off gifts:

One-off quests:

Daily quests:

Best Friends[]

Tina sends you a letter with a  [Nicely Packed Lunch] on becoming best friends.

A Letter From Tina

Dearest <name>,

Now that we are best friends, I hope I will be seeing you more often! I had some folks install new furniture in the house at Sunsong Ranch. I hope you like it.

I also made this lunch for you because I know you are working hard on the farm.

Don't forget to take care of your health!

Yours sincerely,

Inside the lunch is one each of  [Pearl Milk Tea] and  [Peach Pie], and based on your class or spec, one of  [Black Pepper Ribs and Shrimp],  [Chun Tian Spring Rolls],  [Mogu Fish Stew], or  [Sea Mist Rice Noodles].


  • I don't recognize your face. You must be new in town.
  • Hey stranger, do I know you?
  • Do you like this color on me?
  • Folks 'round here have been talking about you. Don't worry, I put in a good word now and then.
  • Oh, what a nice outfit you have there. I hadn't noticed before.
  • Hi there. We've met before, haven't we?
  • Hi buddy! Fancy seeing you again.
  • Folks 'round here have been talking about you, buddy. Don't worry, I put in a good word now and then.
  • Hi buddy! Please tell me... do you like my earrings?
  • Those shoes match your eyes real nice.
  • Don't you think that Farmer Fung is just... dreamy?
  • Hello, friend. Are you getting on all right at your farm?
  • Folks 'round here have been talking about you, friend! The do seem to fancy you quite a lot.
  • Hey friend, don't you think that Farmer Yoon's house is looking mighty empty?
  • Please, as a favor to a friend... tell me the truth about my outfit. Is it... awful?
  • Now that we are friends, I must tell you that your outfit is... hideous.
  • Now that we're friends, I have a confession to make. I... I think I quite fancy Farmer Fung.
Good Friend
  • <Name>, my good friend! I hope everything is going well for you and Mr. Yoon at the farm.
  • Folks 'round here have been talking about you, <name>! You're making quite a stir around here.
  • I know a thing or two about decorating, my good friend. I know just what Farmer Yoon needs for his house!
  • Please, as a favor to a good friend... tell me the truth about my outfit. Is it... horrible?
  • Now that we are good friends, I must tell you that your outfit is... atrocious.
  • Now that we're good friends, I have a confession to make. I... I think I quite fancy Farmer Fung. But then again, Farmer Yoon has nice eyes, don't you think?
Best Friend
Oh, <name>, as your best friend, I'd really like to give you something. I thought your farm could use a little sprucing up, so I had some folks install some new furniture in your house. I hope you like it!
  • Howdy, neighbor! I hope everything is going well for you and Mr. Yoon at the farm.
  • Folks 'round here have been talking about you, <name>! I've been telling everyone that you're my neighbor.
  • Hey neighbor! How do you like the new furnishings in Farmer Yoon's house? Yes, I picked them out myself!
  • Please, as a favor to your best friend, tell me the truth about my outfit. How is it?
    Oh? Wonderful you say? Why thank you! This is why you're my friend for life!
  • Now that we are besties, I must tell you that your outfit is... just to die for!
  • Now that we're best friends, I have a confession to make. I... I think I quite fancy Farmer Fung. But then again, Farmer Yoon has nice eyes, don't you think?
    Oh, I just can't decide!

Patch changes[]

External links[]

NPCs Faction