Turtle mounts

For lore, see Turtle.
Pandaren and dragon turtle

A pandaren mage and her dragon turtle mount.

Turtle mounts are mounts that can be obtained by both the Alliance and Horde. Dragon turtles are used by the pandaren as their racial ground mounts.


The pandaren have long sought mounts that embody their values: patience and strength. With a naturally armored hide, even gait (no matter how heavy the passenger), and the relaxed attitude that welcomes long journeys, the Dragon Turtle is perfect for the pandaren adventurer. Indigenous to mainland Pandaria, these fine steeds are easily outfitted with the essentials: maps, cushions, footstools, and brew-storage. Comfortable and hardy, the dragon turtle's slow, even stride will gently ease passengers into new parts of the world and/or a relaxing nap time.[1]

Factional: Apprentice[]

These mounts can be purchased from Old Whitenose near the Eastern Earthshrine in Stormwind City or Turtlemaster Odai at the Pandaren Pavillion in the middle of the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar for 1g, so long as your character has the Apprentice riding skill.

  • Black Dragon Turtle

    Black Dragon Turtle

  • Blue Dragon Turtle

    Blue Dragon Turtle

  • Brown Dragon Turtle

    Brown Dragon Turtle

  • Green Dragon Turtle

    Green Dragon Turtle

  • Purple Dragon Turtle

    Purple Dragon Turtle

  • Red Dragon Turtle

    Red Dragon Turtle

Factional: Journeyman[]

These mounts can be purchased from Old Whitenose and Turtlemaster Odai for 10g, so long as your character has the Journeyman riding skill. They are reputation restricted like the apprentice mounts.

  • Great Black Dragon Turtle

    Great Black Dragon Turtle

  • Great Blue Dragon Turtle

    Great Blue Dragon Turtle

  • Great Brown Dragon Turtle

    Great Brown Dragon Turtle

  • Great Green Dragon Turtle

    Great Green Dragon Turtle

  • Great Purple Dragon Turtle

    Great Purple Dragon Turtle

  • Great Red Dragon Turtle

    Great Red Dragon Turtle


Trading Card Game[]

  • Riding Turtle

    Riding Turtle


  • Sea Turtle

    Sea Turtle


  • Arcadian War Turtle

    Arcadian War Turtle

  • Vicious War Turtle (Alliance)

    Vicious War Turtle (Alliance)

  • Vicious War Turtle (Horde)

    Vicious War Turtle (Horde)


  • In early beta builds, having an Alliance premade pandaren buy a dragon turtle would make that mount available to a Horde-side character via account binding.


Mount family
Specific types

Turtle mounts