Verdant Sigil (Classic)

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For this quest as it was after Cataclysm, see A  Druid [3] Verdant Sigil.
AllianceVerdant Sigil
Start Conservator Ilthalaine
End Mardant Strongoak
Level 1 (Requires 1)
Category Druid
Race  Night elf
Class Druid Druid
Experience 40
Reputation +50 Darnassus
+75 Darnassus
Previous A [2] The Balance of Nature


Read the Verdant Sigil and speak to Mardant Strongoak, in the tree Aldrassil in Shadowglen.


This sigil was given to me by a messenger from our druid trainer, Mardant. It seems Mardant would have words with you when you have a moment. Read it and bring it to him afterwards.


You will receive:


Ah, young druid. I see you're eager to continue your studies. Good.

I wonder, have you spent much time in the Emerald Dream already? Perhaps you're not prepared for that yet... In time, I'm sure.

But until then, we should discuss other matters.


I will be your mentor and guide for now. It is my duty to teach you how to interpret not only what the spirits communicate to us, but also the complexities and secrets of the Emerald Dream.

As you learn and grow in power, you will learn more of our sleeping trance. But until then, return to me as often as you like and I will teach you what I can in the ways of our kind.


  1. A [2] The Balance of Nature
  2. A [3] The Balance of Nature & one of the following:

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