Warlock abilities

For warlock abilities and talents on Classic servers, see Warlock abilities (Classic).

Warlock abilities are abilities that warlocks use. Most abilities are shared between all specializations, while some are only available to one (or two) specializations.


All warlocks automatically learn the following spells at the specified level, regardless of specialization.

Ability Level
[Shadow Bolt] 1
[Corruption] 2
[Soul Shards] 3
[Summon Imp] 3
[Unending Resolve] 4
[Fear] 5
[Curse of Weakness] 6
[Create Healthstone] 7
[Health Funnel] 8
[Drain Life] 9
[Summon Voidwalker] 10/B Warlock [1-10] A Warlock's Bargain
[Soul Leech] 10
[Soulstone] 14
[Eye of Kilrogg] 17
[Unending Breath] 18
[Summon Sayaad] 19
[Subjugate Demon] 21
[Summon Felhunter] 23
[Command Demon] 29
[Ritual of Doom] 31
[Ritual of Summoning] 33
[Create Soulwell] 47
[Fear] Rank 2 52


Nethermaven Donna Chastain TCG

The three warlock specializations are Affliction, Demonology and Destruction (all caster DPS).

For a summary of the character and strengths of each spec, see Warlock specializations.

Minion abilities[]

Warlock minions always know the following abilities:


Talents become available at level 10. They can be changed at any time outside of combat, except during a PvP match or Mythic+ dungeon. A talented ability cannot be changed while it is on cooldown.

Row 5 is locked until 8 points are spent, and row 8 is locked until 20 points are spent.

Class talents[]

Tier Talent Ranks Requirement
1 [Fel Domination] 1
[Demonic Circle] 1 Automatic
[Burning Rush] 1
2 [Fel Pact] 2 Fel Domination
[Demon Skin] 2 Fel Domination OR Demonic Circle
[Fel Armor] 2 Demonic Circle OR Burning Rush
[Fiendish Stride] 2 Burning Rush
3 [Curses of Enfeeblement] 1 Fel Pact OR Demon Skin
[Abyss Walker] 1 Demon Skin OR Fel Armor
[Howl of Terror]/
[Mortal Coil]
1 Fel Armor OR Fiendish Stride
4 [Amplify Curse] 1 Curses of Enfeeblement
[Demonic Embrace] 1 Curses of Enfeeblement
[Demonic Inspiration] 1 Curses of Enfeeblement OR Abyss Walker
[Wrathful Minion] 1 Abyss Walker OR Howl of Terror/Mortal Coil
[Demonic Fortitude] 1 Howl of Terror/Mortal Coil
[Banish] 1 Howl of Terror/Mortal Coil
5 [Teachings of the Satyr] 1 Amplify Curse
[Accrued Vitality] 2 Amplify Curse OR Demonic Embrace OR Demonic Inspiration
[Sweet Souls] 1 Demonic Inspiration
1 Demonic Inspiration OR Wrathful Minion
[Demonic Gateway] 1 Wrathful Minion
[Lifeblood] 2 Wrathful Minion OR Demonic Fortitude OR Banish
6 [Dark Pact] 1 Teachings of the Satyr OR Accrued Vitality OR Sweet Souls
[Strength of Will]/
[Dark Accord]
1 Sweet Souls OR Nightmare/Horrify OR Demonic Gateway
[Shadowfury] 1 Demonic Gateway OR Lifeblood
7 [Ichor of Devils]/
[Frequent Donor]
1 Dark Pact
[Socrethar's Guile] 2 Dark Pact OR Strength of Will/Dark Accord
[Sargerei Technique] 2 Strength of Will/Dark Accord OR Shadowfury
1 Shadowfury
8 [Fel Synergy] 1 Ichor of Devils/Frequent Donor OR Socrethar's Guile
[Soul Link] 1 Socrethar's Guile OR Sargerei Technique
[Teachings of the Black Harvest] 1 Sargerei Technique OR Darkfury/Shadowflame
9 [Resolute Barrier] 2 Fel Synergy
[Grimoire of Synergy] 2 Fel Synergy OR Soul Link
[Profane Bargain] 2 Soul Link
[Soul Conduit] 2 Soul Link OR Teachings of the Black Harvest
[Demonic Resilience] 2 Teachings of the Black Harvest
10 [Grim Feast] 1 Resolute Barrier OR Grimoire of Synergy
[Inquisitor's Gaze]/
[Summon Soulkeeper]
1 Grimoire of Synergy OR Profane Bargain OR Soul Conduit
[Soulburn] 1 Soul Conduit OR Demonic Resilience

Specialization talents[]

PvP talents[]

PvP talents become available at level 20. Up to 3 PvP talents may be active at any given time (with additional slots becoming available at levels 30 and 40).

These talents are active in the open world with War Mode turned on, as well as during instanced PvP. They have no effect in dungeons and raids.


Glyphs are items that can change a spell or ability's visual appearance. Most glyphs are crafted by scribes, are color-coded by class, and can be applied as early as level 11. They can be removed at any time outside of combat using  [Vanishing Powder].

See also[]