
Tropical Storm Chris - September 8-14, 1982

  • ️David Roth
Tropical Storm Chris - September 8-14, 1982

An upper level low over the northeast Gulf of Mexico on September 6th gradually worked its way
down to the surface as it moved westward.  By the 9th, it acquired tropical characteristics as thunderstorm
activity developed northeast of the center.  On the morning of the 10th, the system developed into a tropical
storm.  Soon after, it turned to the north to east of a trough moving out of the Southwest.  The center moved
ashore near Sabine Pass, LA early on the 11th and weakened rapidly after moving inland.  The heaviest rain
was witnessed across western Mississippi and western sections of Tennessee and Kentucky.  Below is its
track, provided by the National Hurricane Center.
Chris (1982) Track

The graphics below show the storm total rainfall for Chris.  Note the maxima lie mainly to the right of the cyclone's track.