date |
The format is either YYYY-MM-DD or YY-MM-DD. | [ ] |
Following the name of the champion(s): Indicates the number of times the wrestler has held that title at that point.
| [...] |
Indicates a gap in the listing where title changes are not known. | * |
If used next to the names of the wrestlers, they may, in fact, not have held the title in the period indicated. If used next to the dates or places, either they are possibly wrong or the title changes are fictitious. |
< |
Title was held or changed hands no later than this. In these cases, it is known that a wrestler held the title at a certain time but not when he/she won it. |
+ |
Broadcast date; the actual recording date is unknown. |
@ |
Order uncertain. Different titleholders may be known for the same year, for example, but it is not known who held the title before whom. |
# |
Unofficial or disputable claims. These are usually matches that certainly took place, but where there is doubt that the wrestler shown should be recognized as a true title holder. These listings are also italicized in HTML files |
Code |
Country |
AFG | Afghanistan |
ALB | Albania |
ALG | Algeria |
AND | Andorra |
ANG | Angola |
ANT | Antigua and Barbuda |
ARG | Argentina |
ARM | Armenia |
ARU | Aruba |
ASA | American Samoa |
AUS | Australia |
AUT | Austria |
AZE | Azerbaijan |
BAH | Bahamas |
BAN | Bangladesh |
BAR | Barbados |
BDI | Burundi |
BEL | Belgium |
BEN | Benin |
BER | Bermuda |
BHU | Bhutan |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BIZ | Belize |
BLR | Belarus |
BOL | Bolivia |
BOT | Botswana |
BRA | Brazil |
BRN | Bahrain |
BRU | Brunei |
BUL | Bulgaria |
BUR | Burkina Faso |
CAF | Central African Republic |
CAM | Cambodia |
CAN | Canada |
CAY | Cayman Islands |
CGO | Republic of the Congo |
CHA | Chad |
CHI | Chile |
CHN | China |
CIV | Ivory Coast |
CMR | Cameroon |
COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
COK | Cook Islands |
COL | Colombia |
COM | Comoros |
CPV | Cape Verde |
CRC | Costa Rica |
CRO | Croatia |
CUB | Cuba |
CYP | Cyprus |
CZE | Czech Republic |
DEN | Denmark |
DJI | Djibouti |
DMA | Dominica |
DOM | Dominican Republic |
ECU | Ecuador |
EGY | Egypt |
ERI | Eritrea |
ESA | El Salvador |
ESP | Spain |
EST | Estonia |
ETH | Ethiopia |
FIJ | Fiji |
FIN | Finland |
FRA | France |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia |
GAB | Gabon |
GAM | The Gambia |
GBR | Great Britain |
GBS | Guinea-Bissau |
GEO | Georgia |
GEQ | Equatorial Guinea |
GER | Germany |
GGY | Guernsey |
GHA | Ghana |
GRE | Greece |
GRN | Grenada |
GUA | Guatemala |
GUI | Guinea |
GUM | Guam |
GUY | Guyana |
HAI | Haiti |
HKG | Hong Kong, China |
HON | Honduras |
HUN | Hungary |
INA | Indonesia |
IND | India |
IRI | Iran |
IRL | Ireland |
IRQ | Iraq |
ISL | Iceland |
ISR | Israel |
ISV | Virgin Islands |
ITA | Italy |
IVB | British Virgin Islands |
JAM | Jamaica |
JOR | Jordan |
JPN | Japan |
KAZ | Kazakhstan |
KEN | Kenya |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
KIR | Kiribati |
KOR | Korea, South |
KOS | Kosovo |
KSA | Saudi Arabia |
KUW | Kuwait |
LAO | Laos |
LAT | Latvia |
LBA | Libya |
LBN | Lebanon |
LBR | Liberia |
LCA | Saint Lucia |
LES | Lesotho |
LIE | Liechtenstein |
LTU | Lithuania |
LUX | Luxembourg |
MAD | Madagascar |
MAR | Morocco |
MAS | Malaysia |
MAW | Malawi |
MDA | Moldova |
MDV | Maldives |
MEX | Mexico |
MGL | Mongolia |
MHL | Marshall Islands |
MKD | North Macedonia |
MLI | Mali |
MLT | Malta |
MNE | Montenegro |
MON | Monaco |
MOZ | Mozambique |
MRI | Mauritius |
MTN | Mauritania |
MYA | Myanmar |
NAM | Namibia |
NCA | Nicaragua |
NED | Netherlands |
NEP | Nepal |
NGR | Nigeria |
NIG | Niger |
NOR | Norway |
NRU | Nauru |
NZL | New Zealand |
OMA | Oman |
PAK | Pakistan |
PAN | Panama |
PAR | Paraguay |
PER | Peru |
PHI | Philippines |
PLE | Palestine |
PLW | Palau |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
POL | Poland |
POR | Portugal |
PRK | Korea, North (DPR of Korea) |
PUR | Puerto Rico |
QAT | Qatar |
ROU | Romania |
RSA | South Africa |
RUS | Russia |
RWA | Rwanda |
SAM | Samoa |
SEN | Senegal |
SEY | Seychelles |
SGP | Singapore |
SKN | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
SLE | Sierra Leone |
SLO | Slovenia |
SMR | San Marino |
SOL | Solomon Islands |
SOM | Somalia |
SRB | Serbia |
SRI | Sri Lanka |
SSD | South Sudan |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe |
SUD | Sudan |
SUI | Switzerland |
SUR | Suriname |
SVK | Slovakia |
SWE | Sweden |
SWZ | Swaziland |
SYR | Syria |
TAN | Tanzania |
TGA | Tonga |
THA | Thailand |
TJK | Tajikistan |
TKM | Turkmenistan |
TLS | East Timor |
TOG | Togo |
TPE | Taiwan (Republic of China) |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
TUN | Tunisia |
TUR | Turkey |
TUV | Tuvalu |
UAE | United Arab Emirates |
UGA | Uganda |
UKR | Ukraine |
URU | Uruguay |
USA | United States |
UZB | Uzbekistan |
VAN | Vanuatu |
VEN | Venezuela |
VIE | Vietnam |
VIN | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
YEM | Yemen |
ZAM | Zambia |
ZIM | Zimbabwe |
Last updated on 2016-09-19
[ 日本語 ]
International Wrestling Alliance
World Tag Team Title
Larry Hennig & Harley Race |
1966-06 |
Recognized as the first champions. |
Mark Lewin & Dominic DeNucci | 1966-07-01 | Sydney, NSW |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard | 1966-07-15 | Sydney, NSW |
Mark Lewin & Bearcat Wright | 1966-07-29 | Sydney, NSW |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard [2] |
1966-08-06 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Mark Lewin & Bearcat Wright [2] |
1966-08-13 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard [3] |
1966-08 |
George Scott & Sandy Scott | 1966-10-22 | Melbourne, VIC |
Ray Stevens & Art Nelson | 1966-11-19 | Melbourne, VIC |
George Scott & Sandy Scott [2] |
1966-12-10 | Melbourne, VIC |
Kurt Von Stroheim & Karl Von Stroheim | 1967-06 |
USA * |
Mario Milano & Red Bastien |
1967-07-19 | Brisbane, QLD |
Skull Murphy & Killer Kowalski | 1967-08-25 | Sydney, NSW |
Mario Milano & Red Bastien [2] | 1967-09-02 | Melbourne, VIC |
Skull Murphy & Killer Kowalski [2] | 1967-10-06 | Sydney, NSW |
Mario Milano & Red Bastien [3] | 1967-10-13 | Sydney, NSW |
Pat Patterson & Art Nelson | 1967-12-25 |
San Francisco, CA, USA * |
Mario Milano & Billy Whitewolf (Adnon Kaissey) |
1968-02-04 | Melbourne, VIC |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard [4] |
1968-03-22 |
Sydney, NSW |
Mario Milano & Antonio Pugliese (Tony Parisi) |
1968-04-20 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard [5] |
1968-04-24 | Brisbane, QLD |
Mario Milano & Antonio Pugliese [2] |
1968-04-27 | Melbourne, VIC |
Skull Murphy & Killer Karl Kox |
1968-05-06 | Brisbane, QLD |
Dominic DeNucci & Antonio Pugliese |
1968-05-23 |
Brisbane, QLD |
Killer Kowalski & Bill Miller |
1968-06-05 | Brisbane, QLD |
Dominic DeNucci & Mario Milano |
1968-07-03 | Brisbane, QLD |
Ciclon Negro & Baron Mikel Scicluna | 1968-07-06 | Sydney, NSW |
Dominic DeNucci & Mario Milano [2] |
1968-08-12 |
Adelaide, SA |
Ciclon Negro & Baron Mikel Scicluna [2] |
1968-08-14 |
Brisbane, QLD |
Dominic DeNucci & Mario Milano [3] |
1968-08-17 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Ciclon Negro & Baron Mikel Scicluna [3] |
1968-08 |
Assassins (Joe Hamilton & Tom Renesto) |
1968-08-28 | Brisbane, QLD |
George Scott & Sandy Scott [3] |
1968-10-09 | Brisbane, QLD |
Skull Murphy & Toru Tanaka |
1968-11-03 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard [6] |
1969-01 |
Antonio Pugliese & Don Leo Jonathan | 1969-02-21 | Sydney, NSW |
Mario Milano & The Spoiler (Don Jardine) |
1969-03-07 | Sydney, NSW |
Antonio Pugliese & Don Leo Jonathan [2] |
1969-03-22 | Melbourne, VIC |
Waldo Von Erich & Mario Milano | 1969-04-04 | Sydney, NSW |
Waldo Von Erich & The Spoiler |
1969-04 |
Milano gives up his half of the title. |
Billy White Wolf & Tex McKenzie |
1969-04-25 |
Sydney, NSW |
Waldo Von Erich & The Spoiler [2] |
1969-05-24 |
Sydney, NSW |
Dick Murdoch & Lars Anderson |
1969-10 |
Awarded. |
Skull Murphy & Brute Bernard [7] |
1969-12-03 | Brisbane, QLD |
Mario Milano & Spiros Arion | 1969-12-13 | Melbourne, VIC |
King Curtis Iaukea & Buddy Austin | 1969-12-26 | Sydney, NSW |
Kinji Shibuya & Mitsu Arakawa |
1970-01-23 |
Sydney, NSW |
Dominic DeNucci & Bobo Brazil |
1970-02-27 |
Sydney, NSW |
King Curtis Iaukea & Buddy Austin [2] |
1970-03-27 |
Sydney, NSW |
Rip Hawk & Swede Hanson | 1970-04 |
Hobart, TAS * |
Mark Lewin & Antonio Pugliese | 1970-05-15 | Sydney, NSW |
Kurt Von Steiger & Karl Von Steiger |
1970-06-19 |
Sydney, NSW |
Mark Lewin & Spiros Arion |
1970-10-03 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Kurt Von Steiger & Karl Von Steiger [2] |
1970-10 |
Mario Milano & Spiros Arion |
1970-10-14 |
Brisbane, QLD |
Kurt Von Steiger & Karl Von Steiger [3] |
1970-10-28 |
Brisbane, QLD |
Mark Lewin & King Curtis Iaukea |
1970-11-04 |
Brisbane, QLD |
Kurt Von Steiger & Karl Von Steiger [4] |
1970-12< |
Mark Lewin & Mario Milano |
1970-12-26 |
Brisbane, QLD |
The Outlaws:
Dick Murdoch & Dusty Rhodes |
1971-01-21 |
Sydney, NSW |
Mark Lewin & Killer Kowalski |
1971-02-27 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Mark Lewin & King Curtis Iaukea |
1971-04-10 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Defeat Kowalski & Bob Brown. |
Tiger Jeet Singh & Mr. Fuji |
1971-05-30 |
Sydney, NSW |
Mark Lewin & King Curtis Iaukea [2] |
1971-06-05 |
Melbourne, VIC |
Kurt Von Steiger & Karl Von Steiger [5] |
1971-08-14 |
Sydney, NSW |
Title retired in 71. |
* Replaced with Austra-Asian Tag Team Title.