date |
The format is either YYYY-MM-DD or YY-MM-DD. | [ ] |
Following the name of the champion(s): Indicates the number of times the wrestler has held that title at that point.
| [...] |
Indicates a gap in the listing where title changes are not known. | * |
If used next to the names of the wrestlers, they may, in fact, not have held the title in the period indicated. If used next to the dates or places, either they are possibly wrong or the title changes are fictitious. |
< |
Title was held or changed hands no later than this. In these cases, it is known that a wrestler held the title at a certain time but not when he/she won it. |
+ |
Broadcast date; the actual recording date is unknown. |
@ |
Order uncertain. Different titleholders may be known for the same year, for example, but it is not known who held the title before whom. |
# |
Unofficial or disputable claims. These are usually matches that certainly took place, but where there is doubt that the wrestler shown should be recognized as a true title holder. These listings are also italicized in HTML files |
Code |
Country |
AFG | Afghanistan |
ALB | Albania |
ALG | Algeria |
AND | Andorra |
ANG | Angola |
ANT | Antigua and Barbuda |
ARG | Argentina |
ARM | Armenia |
ARU | Aruba |
ASA | American Samoa |
AUS | Australia |
AUT | Austria |
AZE | Azerbaijan |
BAH | Bahamas |
BAN | Bangladesh |
BAR | Barbados |
BDI | Burundi |
BEL | Belgium |
BEN | Benin |
BER | Bermuda |
BHU | Bhutan |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BIZ | Belize |
BLR | Belarus |
BOL | Bolivia |
BOT | Botswana |
BRA | Brazil |
BRN | Bahrain |
BRU | Brunei |
BUL | Bulgaria |
BUR | Burkina Faso |
CAF | Central African Republic |
CAM | Cambodia |
CAN | Canada |
CAY | Cayman Islands |
CGO | Republic of the Congo |
CHA | Chad |
CHI | Chile |
CHN | China |
CIV | Ivory Coast |
CMR | Cameroon |
COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
COK | Cook Islands |
COL | Colombia |
COM | Comoros |
CPV | Cape Verde |
CRC | Costa Rica |
CRO | Croatia |
CUB | Cuba |
CYP | Cyprus |
CZE | Czech Republic |
DEN | Denmark |
DJI | Djibouti |
DMA | Dominica |
DOM | Dominican Republic |
ECU | Ecuador |
EGY | Egypt |
ERI | Eritrea |
ESA | El Salvador |
ESP | Spain |
EST | Estonia |
ETH | Ethiopia |
FIJ | Fiji |
FIN | Finland |
FRA | France |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia |
GAB | Gabon |
GAM | The Gambia |
GBR | Great Britain |
GBS | Guinea-Bissau |
GEO | Georgia |
GEQ | Equatorial Guinea |
GER | Germany |
GGY | Guernsey |
GHA | Ghana |
GRE | Greece |
GRN | Grenada |
GUA | Guatemala |
GUI | Guinea |
GUM | Guam |
GUY | Guyana |
HAI | Haiti |
HKG | Hong Kong, China |
HON | Honduras |
HUN | Hungary |
INA | Indonesia |
IND | India |
IRI | Iran |
IRL | Ireland |
IRQ | Iraq |
ISL | Iceland |
ISR | Israel |
ISV | Virgin Islands |
ITA | Italy |
IVB | British Virgin Islands |
JAM | Jamaica |
JOR | Jordan |
JPN | Japan |
KAZ | Kazakhstan |
KEN | Kenya |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
KIR | Kiribati |
KOR | Korea, South |
KOS | Kosovo |
KSA | Saudi Arabia |
KUW | Kuwait |
LAO | Laos |
LAT | Latvia |
LBA | Libya |
LBN | Lebanon |
LBR | Liberia |
LCA | Saint Lucia |
LES | Lesotho |
LIE | Liechtenstein |
LTU | Lithuania |
LUX | Luxembourg |
MAD | Madagascar |
MAR | Morocco |
MAS | Malaysia |
MAW | Malawi |
MDA | Moldova |
MDV | Maldives |
MEX | Mexico |
MGL | Mongolia |
MHL | Marshall Islands |
MKD | North Macedonia |
MLI | Mali |
MLT | Malta |
MNE | Montenegro |
MON | Monaco |
MOZ | Mozambique |
MRI | Mauritius |
MTN | Mauritania |
MYA | Myanmar |
NAM | Namibia |
NCA | Nicaragua |
NED | Netherlands |
NEP | Nepal |
NGR | Nigeria |
NIG | Niger |
NOR | Norway |
NRU | Nauru |
NZL | New Zealand |
OMA | Oman |
PAK | Pakistan |
PAN | Panama |
PAR | Paraguay |
PER | Peru |
PHI | Philippines |
PLE | Palestine |
PLW | Palau |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
POL | Poland |
POR | Portugal |
PRK | Korea, North (DPR of Korea) |
PUR | Puerto Rico |
QAT | Qatar |
ROU | Romania |
RSA | South Africa |
RUS | Russia |
RWA | Rwanda |
SAM | Samoa |
SEN | Senegal |
SEY | Seychelles |
SGP | Singapore |
SKN | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
SLE | Sierra Leone |
SLO | Slovenia |
SMR | San Marino |
SOL | Solomon Islands |
SOM | Somalia |
SRB | Serbia |
SRI | Sri Lanka |
SSD | South Sudan |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe |
SUD | Sudan |
SUI | Switzerland |
SUR | Suriname |
SVK | Slovakia |
SWE | Sweden |
SWZ | Swaziland |
SYR | Syria |
TAN | Tanzania |
TGA | Tonga |
THA | Thailand |
TJK | Tajikistan |
TKM | Turkmenistan |
TLS | East Timor |
TOG | Togo |
TPE | Taiwan (Republic of China) |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
TUN | Tunisia |
TUR | Turkey |
TUV | Tuvalu |
UAE | United Arab Emirates |
UGA | Uganda |
UKR | Ukraine |
URU | Uruguay |
USA | United States |
UZB | Uzbekistan |
VAN | Vanuatu |
VEN | Venezuela |
VIE | Vietnam |
VIN | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
YEM | Yemen |
ZAM | Zambia |
ZIM | Zimbabwe |
[ 日本語 ]
Ikeshita Yumi |
1977-09-01 |
Honolulu, HI, USA |
Defeats Jane O'Brien; vacates in 78 because of an ankle injury. |
Chabera Romero |
1978-05-20 |
Ohmiya |
Defeats Maki Ueda. |
Maki Ueda |
1978-08-09 |
Tōkyō |
Vacates on 79-02-27 to concentrate on winning the WWWA World title. |
Tomi Aoyama |
1979-09-27 |
Ōsaka |
Defeats Leilani Kai; vacates in 79 because of a knee injury. |
Ikeshita Yumi [2] |
1980-02-21 |
Nagoya |
Defeats Lucy Kayama. |
Mimi Hagiwara |
1981-02-25 |
Yokohama |
Vacates on 81-08-29 to challenge for WWWA World title. |
Jumbo Hori |
1982-01-12 |
Chiba |
Defeats Wild Kazuki; vacates on 82-06-15 to challenge for WWWA World
tag team title. |
Judy Martin |
1982-10-05 |
Ōsaka |
Defeats Ōmori Yukari. |
Mimi Hagiwara
[2] |
1982-11-04 |
Himeji |
Vacates on 83-11-26 upon retirement. |
Devil Masami |
1984-04-01 |
Tōkyō |
Defeats Judy Martin; vacant on 85-12-12 when Devil wins WWWA World
title. |
Nagayo Chigusa |
1986-04-05 |
Tōkyō |
Defeats Dump Matsumoto. |
Leilani Kai |
1986-08-21 |
Tōkyō |
Nagayo Chigusa
[2] |
1987-04-27 |
Ōsaka |
Vacates on 89-05-06 upon retirement. |
Bull Nakano |
1989-06-18 |
Tōkyō |
Defeats Nishiwaki Mitsuko. |
Tateno Noriyo |
1989-11-13 |
Ashikaga |
Aja Kong |
1990-04-30 |
Chiba |
Minami Suzuka |
1990-06-17 |
Tōkyō |
Vacant when Minami refuses the title after winning by DQ. |
Toyota Manami |
1990-10-07 |
Tōkyō |
Defeats Bison Kimura in tournament final. |
Minami Suzuka [2] |
1991-03-17 |
Tōkyō |
Hokuto Akira |
1991-04-29 |
Tōkyō |
Minami Suzuka [3] |
1991-10-04 |
Tōkyō |
Bison Kimura |
1991-10-26 |
Toyama |
Inoue Kyōko |
1992-06-05 |
Asahikawa |
Hokuto Akira [2] |
1992-11-26 |
Kawasaki |
Vacant in 93-08 when Hokuto is injured. |
Yamada Toshiyo |
1993-11-28 |
Ōsaka |
Defeats Toyota Manami. |
Inoue Kyōko [2] |
1994-03-27 |
Yokohama |
Toyota Manami
[2] |
1994-08-24 |
Tōkyō |
Yamada Toshiyo [2] |
1995-03-26 |
Yokohama |
Defeat Inoue Takako and Reggie Bennet in a triangular match. |
Hotta Yumiko |
1995-09-24 |
Kawasaki |
Vacates in 96-05(or 96-04) to concentrate on WWWA World title and
the vale tudo rule matches. |
Reggie Bennet |
1996-06-22 |
Sapporo |
Defeats Itō Kaoru in tournament final. |
Inoue Takako |
1996-11-21 |
Kōbe |
Has won IWA
World Women's Title, defeating Reggie Bennet on 95-12-04 in Tōkyō. |
Inoue Kyōko [3] |
1997-01-20 |
Tōkyō |
Has won WWWA
World Title, defeating Toyota Manami on 96-12-08 in Tōkyō; unifies
three titles on 97-01-20; vacates on 97-05-11 in Nagoya, being unsatisfied
after the match against Itō Kaoru ends as a 60min time limit draw. |
Inoue Takako [2] |
1997-06-18 |
Sapporo |
Defeats Yamada Toshiyo; Takako is injured in 97-07; Watanabe Tomoko
defeats Itō Kaoru to become temporary champion on 97-08-22 in Ōsaka;
Takako defeats Watanabe on 98-01-03 in Tōkyō to unify titles. |
Zap T (Watanabe Tomoko) |
1998-04-21 |
Ōsaka |
Maekawa Kumiko |
1998-05-05 |
Tōkyō |
Kurenai Yasha |
1998-11-29 |
Yokohama |
Maekawa Kumiko [2] |
1999-02-26 |
Tōkyō |
Hyūga Azumi |
2000-02-11 |
Tōkyō |
Watanabe Tomoko [2] |
2000-07-15 |
Tōkyō |
Maekawa Kumiko [3] |
2001-09-16 |
Tōkyō |
Vacates after defending against Nakanishi Momoe on 2001-10-24. |
Nakanishi Momoe |
2002-02-24 |
Yokohama |
Vacates on 02-09-08 to concentrate on winning WWWA World Title. |
noki-A |
2002-10-20 |
Kawasaki |
Defeats Nōmi Kayo in a tournament final. |
Nōmi Kayo |
2002-12-22 |
Kawasaki |
Vacant on 04-04-18 when Noumi retires. |
Nishio Mika |
2004-07-18 |
Tōkyō |
Defeats Hikaru in the 4-woman tournament final. |
Hikaru |
2004-11-07 |
Tōkyō |
Lioness Asuka |
2005-02-20 |
Tōkyō |
Vacates immediately after winning the title due to Hikaru's injury. |