ZERO CRASH - a film by Andi Haller
SYNOPSIS Aliens approach the earth with their Happy-Machine in order to fix the planet's biggest problem. But they get shot at and lose the machine. One of them must go down to get it back. While the Alien becomes entangled in twisted struggles of human money-making manoeuvres, the machine ends up in the hands of a rogue trader hiding on a remote island. When unexpected visitors arrive, things begin to fall apart and the machine starts to act. Will earth be ready for the Zero Crash? A lo-fi sci-fi tale about money, illusions and change. |
About the FILMMAKER After a promising start with a super-8 shortfilm in 1982, Andi Haller then lived through a decade of music, touring and recording with all kinds of bands throughout the eighties and nineties, before mingling with the the film world again as composer of film music. Theater music followed, turning into acting and finally filmmaking again. After three shorts and a feature, all shot guerrilla style with a film collective called Libre Albedrío, ZERO CRASH is his first feature film as writer/director. |
“...Uncompromising and witty film by director Andi Haller deals with the socio-economic structures of modern society in playful yet very insightful and provocative manner...”
“...One could argue that this, according to the author himself low-fi comedy, actually demonstrates high quality when it comes to its form ....”
“...The main motives at the center of this hilarious collage are (...) a whole range of contemporary and often discussed topics, which the author puts in a cooking pot and warms them up till they start boiling...”
“...Yet all the human weaknesses in this film are portrayed with an equal dose of satire and simultaneous empathy, which give it its distinctive aura and charm... ”
“...The visual language of the film, like all its other elements, bears the mark of peculiarity and of courage...”
“...A special place in the film certainly has its musical score...”
“...Scifi Satire, ulkig, utopisch (...) Ein ruppig inszeniertes Potpourri der Dystopie namens Gegenwart (...)
Schneller vorbei als so manch anderes ist ZERO CRASH mehr als nur Trash ...”
DANKE an die Diskussionsgäste - Österreich-Kinostart Premierenabende:
Thema: Ein Grundeinkommen weltweit für alle, wäre das sinnvoll und wie könnte es erreicht werden?
Judith Vorbach, Ökonomin, AK OÖ
Stephan Pühringer, Ökonom, Forschungsinstitut für die Gesamtanalyse der Wirtschaft, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz
Martin Wassermair, Politikredakteur Dorf TV
Tobias Krall, Ökonom
David Horvath, Südwind Steiermark
Marcel Jira, Ökonom
Rosa von Suess, FH St.Pölten, Medien u. Digitale Technologien
Johanna Riegler, Kulturanthropologin
Michael Soder, Ökonom, Institute for Ecological Economics an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Dorothee Frank, ORF
Andreas Exenberger, Ökonom, Politologe, Fakultät für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Marian Wilhelm, Filmkritiker
Michaela Schmidt, Ökonomin, AK Salzburg
Stefan Wally, Politikwissenschaftler, Robert Jungk Bibliothek für Zukunftsfragen
Stefan Bogner, Politwissenschaftler, AK Salzburg
Michael Bilic, Das Kino