
Cover Pages: DISA Registry Initiative (DRIVE)

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DISA Registry Initiative (DRIVE)

[September 12, 2001] The DISA Registry Initiative or DRIve "is a program to deploy the technology outlined in the ebXML specifications for a standard online index of items needed by companies to do business in particular industries. DISA, as an early and strong supporter of ebXML, has offered to serve as a test-bed for development of a registry that meets the ebXML requirements and to provide an index for the work of DISA-affiliated organizations."

[May 13, 2002]   DISA Registry Initiative Announces ebXML Registry Prototype for IFX and OTA Specifications.    DISA (the Data Interchange Standards Association) has announced a "working prototype of a registry for electronic business specifications from two of its vertical industry organizations: the Interactive Financial Exchange (IFX) Forum and the OpenTravel Alliance (OTA)." The registry software contributed by XML Global Technologies implements the ebXML Registry specifications. The DRIve prototype "classifies the objects according to two standard industrial classifications, shows the relationship among the various specifications (called associations by the ebXML standards), and links the objects to external registries, in this case the XML.Org registry operated by OASIS. The registry offers a hands-on, real-time experience for visitors to learn more about IFX Forum and OTA specifications. Both the IFX Forum and OTA, industry affiliates of DISA, have written electronic business specifications based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and make their documents freely available." [Full context]

Organization and membership: "The DRIve initiative will consist of and be open to participants from companies in the membership of ASC X12 and DISA's affiliated industry organizations: HEDNA, IFX, MISMO, OPX, and OTA. A DRIve Steering Group will set policies, provide direction, monitor progress, and request corrective actions by the DRIve Working Group. The Steering Group will also direct publicity and provide authorized comments for the media. A DRIve Working Group will conduct the technical work including call for contributions, evaluation and selection from contributors, acquisition and installation of software, conduct of tests and demonstrations, prepare project documentation, and certify readiness for live operations. The Working Group may form temporary task teams as needed to perform the work. A joint Steering Group/Working Group team will draft the DRIve business plan. DISA will provide the sites and facilities for the groups and teams, including conference calls, list-serves, and message boards."

DRIVE registry objects: "The registry will index the following data objects: (1) XML schemas developed by DISA affiliate organizations; (2) Process models in UML or other modeling languages developed by DISA affiliate organizations; (3) ASC X12 standards, in human-readable (e.g., HTML, text) and machine readable (e.g., XML, SEF) formats, as determined by ASC X12 officers; (4) Joint ASC X12/EWG core components, now being defined. The definition of generic ebXML core components are also still in development; (5) Collaboration protocol profiles (XML documents) of companies supporting or implementing the registered objects, as determined by DRIve participants; (6) Data objects submitted by non-DISA organizations, which will require establishment of processes for submission and acceptance of those objects."

DISA Registry Initiative (DRIve) Mission and Scope: "The DISA Registry Initiative (DRIve) will deploy the technology for and operate a registry of data objects developed by standards organizations serviced by Data Interchange Standards Association. The DRIve registry will meet the requirements of the Electronic Business XML or ebXML registry/repository specifications approved on 11 May 2001: (1) Registry Services Specification, version 1.0; (2) Registry Information Model, version 1.0. DRIve will also follow other approved ebXML specifications and technical reports affecting the operation of the registry; see the list of relevant documents under Scope. DRIve will seek contributions of software, systems, and technical expertise from participating companies. Since this initiative is one of the first implementations of the ebXML registry specifications, it will receive a significant amount of visibility and serve as a model for future ebXML registries. DISA will coordinate this work with other relevant committees and groups in OASIS, UN/CEFACT, and NIST as required..."

From the FAQ document: "DISA, as an early and strong supporter of ebXML, has offered to serve as a test-bed for development of a registry that meets the ebXML requirements and to provide an index for the work of DISA-affiliated organizations. Companies wishing to do business electronically in a particular industry can search for and retrieve these models, schemas, profiles, and other objects, using common retrieval methods... These methods include browse and drill-down, as well as filtered searches, both required by the ebXML specifications. As required by ebXML, DRIve will use standard message formats based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an XML messaging specification endorsed by all leading software companies, for submission of objects and responses. It will also have security to protect against unauthorized access, integrity of objects, and non-repudiation of entries... DISA is limiting DRIve participation to members of DISA affiliated organizations - Accredited Standards Committee X12, Hotel Electronic Distribution Network Association, Interactive Financial Exchange, Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization, Open Philanthropy Exchange Forum, and Open Travel Alliance (and others that may join with DISA as the project unfolds)... The registry will include business process models, XML schemas and DTDs, and related business objects (such as industry-specific code lists) in a systematic way. DRIve will also index profiles of companies that support the industry specifications, to make their capabilities known to potential trading partners. The registry will have the ability to expand to include new specifications for core components, interoperable business semantics still in development by ebXML and the EDI standards bodies. Because DRIve will follow the open ebXML specifications, it will allow for cross-indexing in related registries offered by complementary standards organizations or industries."


  • DRIVE web site
  • DRIVE FAQ document [cache]
  • DRIVE description, [cache]
  • Minutes: DISA Registry Initiative (DRIve) Meeting 1. 4-June-2001, St. Louis, Missouri [cache]
  • DISA web site
  • [June 19, 2001] "Leaders of the DISA Registry Initiative Issue Call for Participation." - "The Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) released [June 02, 2001] a call for individuals and companies to take part in the DISA Registry Initiative (DRIve). DRIve will seek contributions of software, systems, and technical expertise to create the architecture for and operations of a registry of data objects developed by standards organizations affiliated with DISA. These organizations include: (1) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12; (2) OpenTravel Alliance (OTA); (3) Interactive Financial eXchange (IFX) Forum; (4) Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO); (5) Open Philanthropy eXchange (OPX) Forum; (6) Hotel Electronic Distribution Network Association (HEDNA)... The DRIve registry will meet the requirements of the Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) registry/repository specifications, which include the Registry Services Specification, version 1.0, and the Registry Information Model, version 1.0, approved on May 11. DRIve will also follow other approved ebXML specifications and technical reports affecting the operation of the registry... DRIve will include the basic functions of ebXML registries and its interactions with a DISA repository, as spelled out in the relevant specifications... 'This initiative is very important to the ManTech Enterprise Integration Center (e-IC),' said Robert S. Kidwell, Vice President and Senior Technical Director for ManTech e-IC. 'The e-IC team has embraced XML in all of its leading electronic commerce and electronic data interchange applications such as the U.S. DoD customs clearance project, which involves the shipment of military cargo within eleven foreign countries, and the U.S. DoD Medical E-CAT system, which is a distributed Web application for DoD procurement of key medical supplies. We feel that the DISA initiative will provide the initial foundation for migrating the traditional X12 EDI semantics into a framework that is consistent with that of the ebXML distributed registry and repository vision'." See also "XML Registry and Repository." [source]
  • See also: "Electronic Business XML Initiative (ebXML)" - Main reference page.

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