XML: Announcement: Public Release of SAX 1.0
Announcement: Public Release of SAX 1.0
From owner-xml-l@listserv.heanet.ie Tue May 12 00:39:43 1998 Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 01:31:13 -0400 From: David Megginson <ak117@FREENET.CARLETON.CA> Subject: Announcement: SAX 1.0 is finished
I am happy to announce public release 1.0 of SAX (the Simple API for XML), a collaborative project of the members of the XML-DEV discussion group. The first release of SAX is in Java, but versions in other programming languages may follow. SAX is free for both commercial and non-commercial use.
SAX is a common, event-based API for parsing XML documents. The first draft of SAX was supported by IBM's XML for Java, DataChannel's DXP, James Clark's XP, and Microstar's AElfred parsers. Support for Tim Bray's Lark parser and Microsoft's MSXML parser was provided through third-party drivers.
SAX fills the same role for XML that the JDBC fills for SQL: with SAX, a Java application can work with any XML parser, as long as the parser has a SAX 1.0 driver available. SAX 1.0 drivers for the major parsers will be appearing shortly.
For more information, or to download SAX 1.0 with two sample drivers (Lark and MSXML), please visit the following URL:
Thanks, and all the best,
David Megginson
David Megginson ak117@freenet.carleton.ca Microstar Software Ltd. dmeggins@microstar.com http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/dmeggins/