From Fri Apr 10 06:33:26 1998
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 07:21:16 -0400
Message-Id: <>
From: David Megginson <>
To: xml-dev Mailing List <>
Subject: Announcement: SAX Java Implementation (pre-release)
[I'm limiting this announcement to XML-DEV right now.]
I have put together a new, beta version of SAX with quite a few
changes; here are some change highlights:
- ability to parse from a byte stream or character stream
- ability to locate (the end of) any document handler event in the
source document
- events for notation and unparsed entity declarations
- _much_ simpler interface for attributes
- extensible error-reporting mechanism, including the ability to
provide localized error messages
**Please** do not release new versions of your software based on this:
while I don't expect major changes, I would like to take a one- or
two-week bug-fixing period before we release this to the world at
I have not yet updated the SAX web pages or written a specification or
even a README for this (the only documentation is in the extensive
JavaDoc comments), but while I'm working on documentation and
packaging, I thought that it would be useful to release a snapshot of
the Java-based SAX reference implementation so that parser and
application developers could start porting, evaluating, and testing
their code. You can download the snapshot from the the following URL:
This includes source, class files, and a single (5K) Jar file with all
of the SAX interfaces and helper classes.
Of course, you'll want to be able to play with SAX. I have a
99%-complete driver for AElfred, but am not finished testing the
AElfred changes that went with it, so I cannot release that quite yet.
I have, however, put together modified versions of my Lark driver
(which is pretty good) and my MSXML driver (which is more limited
because of MSXML problems), and posted them to the following URL:
When I get the new AElfred out (soon), you'll be able to experiment
with entity resolution as well.
Finally, I have a small demo which does a rather boring identity
All the best,
David Megginson
Microstar Software Ltd.
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