Scots support renewable energy | YouGov

New YouGov research for Scottish Renewables shows Scots are twice as likely to favour wind power over nuclear or shale gas

Over six in ten (62%) people in Scotland say they would support large scale wind projects in their local area, more than double the number who said they would be generally for shale gas (24%) and almost twice as much as nuclear (32%).

Hydro power is the most popular energy source for large scale projects in Scotland, with an overwhelming majority (80%) being in favour. This compares to more than two-fifths (42%) of Scots that would support gas (excluding shale gas) projects and 37% that would back oil projects. Just over a third (34%) say the same about coal.

Electricity should come from renewables

The poll also reveals that more than three-quarters (76%) would prefer to see the majority of their electricity come from low carbon sources. Renewables performed strongest with hydro once again being the most favoured energy source (27%), followed by wind (18%), solar (15%) and nuclear (13%). Fossil fuel based generated sources such as coal and gas are only favoured by 3%, while just 1% prefer shale gas.

Meanwhile, 64% support the continued development of wind power as part of a mix of renewable and conventional forms of electricity generation. One fifth (20%) disagree while 3% are unsure.

Impact on tourism

More than two-thirds (69%) of Scots say their decision to visit an area of Scotland would not be affected by the presence of a wind farm, while just over a quarter (26%) think it would.

Niall Stuart, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, said: “It is encouraging that when people were asked by YouGov about a range of energy sources the majority consistently chose renewables… While this polling evidence doesn’t mean that every renewable scheme proposed should be approved, it is important that people bear this research in mind when debating the pros and cons of the differing choices that Scotland could make to meet its future energy needs.”

Scottish Renewables is dedicated to strengthening business relationships and committed to securing the best possible environment for the growth of renewable energy in Scotland.

See the YouGov/Scottish Renewables survey results