
Tour Bus From the Underworld

  • ️Sat Jan 14 2012

The Greek and Croatian names given are not official.

Tour Bus From the Underworld
魔 (ま) 界 (かい) 発 (はつ) 現 (げん) 世 (せ) 行 (ゆ) きバス
English Tour Bus From the Underworld
French Bus des Enfers
German Reisebus aus der Unterwelt
Italian Bus Tour del Mondo Sotterraneo
Korean 마계발 현세행 버스
Portuguese Ônibus de Excursão do Submundo
Spanish Autobús de Recorrido Turístico del Inframundo
Japanese (kana) まかいはつげんせゆきバス
Japanese (base) 魔界発現世行きバス
Japanese (rōmaji) Makai Hatsu Gense Yuki Basu
Japanese (translated) Bus Departing the Demon World Bound for the Living World
Card type Monster
Attribute DARK
Types Fiend / Effect
Level 3
ATK / DEF 1000 / 1000
Passcode 52823314
Card effect types
Card descriptions


When this card is sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 monster in either player's Graveyard, except "Tour Bus From the Underworld"; shuffle that target into the Deck.


Lorsque cette carte est envoyée au Cimetière : ciblez 1 monstre ("Bus des Enfers" exclu) dans l'un des Cimetières ; mélangez la cible dans le Deck.


Wenn diese Karte auf den Friedhof gelegt wird: Wähle 1 Monster im Friedhof eines beliebigen Spielers, außer "Reisebus aus der Unterwelt"; mische das gewählte Ziel ins Deck.


Quando questa carta viene mandata al Cimitero: scegli come bersaglio 1 Mostro nel Cimitero di qualsiasi giocatore, eccetto "Bus Tour del Mondo Sotterraneo"; mischia quel bersaglio nel Deck.


Quando este card for enviado para o Cemitério: escolha 1 monstro no Cemitério de qualquer um dos duelistas, exceto "Ônibus de Excursão do Submundo"; embaralhe o alvo no Deck.


Cuando esta carta es mandada al Cementerio: selecciona 1 monstruo en el Cementerio de cualquier jugador, excepto "Autobús Turístico del Inframundo"; baraja ese objetivo al Deck.




이 카드가 묘지로 보내졌을 때, "마계발 현세행 버스" 이외의 자신 또는 상대 묘지의 몬스터 1장을 선택하고, 주인의 덱으로 되돌린다.
TCG sets


Release Number SetFrench name Rarity
2012-01-19 ORCS-FR086 Order of Chaos L'Ordre du Chaos Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-FR105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: La Guerre des Géants Common
2013-06-27 BP02-FR105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: La Guerre des Géants Mosaic Rare


Release Number SetGerman name Rarity
2012-01-19 ORCS-DE086 Order of Chaos Order of Chaos Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-DE105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Common
2013-06-27 BP02-DE105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Mosaic Rare


Release Number SetItalian name Rarity
2012-01-19 ORCS-IT086 Order of Chaos Ordine del Chaos Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-IT105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra dei Giganti Common
2013-06-27 BP02-IT105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra dei Giganti Mosaic Rare


Release Number SetPortuguese name Rarity
2013-06-28 BP02-PT105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Pacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos Gigantes Common
2013-06-28 BP02-PT105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Pacote de Batalha 2: Guerra dos Gigantes Mosaic Rare


Release Number SetSpanish name Rarity
2012-01-19 ORCS-SP086 Order of Chaos Orden de Caos Secret Rare
2013-06-27 BP02-SP105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra de los Gigantes Common
2013-06-27 BP02-SP105 Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants Battle Pack 2: Guerra de los Gigantes Mosaic Rare
OCG sets


Release Number SetJapanese name Rarity
2012-10-13 EP12-JP037 Extra Pack 2012 EXTRA PACK 2012 Common


Release Number SetKorean name Rarity
2013-01-08 EXP5-KR037 Extra Pack 2012 엑스트라 팩 2012 Common
Card search categories
Other card information
External links

"Tour Bus From the Underworld" pages