
ZIHIA / Circassian language online lessons

Lesson I. Foreword

Circassian Language is enclosed in Circassian-Abhkasian group of the Caucasian-Iberian language family.

Circassian language has the different idioms: Abdzah, Adamiy, Baslney, Bzhedygu, Egerykoy, Kabarday, Mahosh, Natuhay, Ubyh, Hatikoi, Chemgui, Shapsygu. At present time the most wide-spread at Northern Caucasus are Kabarday, Shapsygu, Bzhedygu and Chemgui idioms. Each idiom has the differences as in some sounds pronunciation, as in some subjects name. This article does not present detailed discovery of Circassian idioms differences. Should be taken into account that in base of this manual is prescribed Bzhedygu idiom. We just explain some particularities of pronunciation in one or another events. However we hope that this subject will revealed detail on our site pages soon.


Here and hereinafter we classify all the words of Circassian language, as nouns, adjectives, number, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, servicing words. This classification should be confirmed as conditional, since in Circassian language the same word can be used as noun, adjective and verb as well.


Are You Circassian?


Yes I am Circassian.

Ары, сэ сыадыг!

That guy was Circassian.

А кIалэ адыгагъ.

In the last sentence the word "

адыг" has the past tense verb suffix -агъ, and is being changed as the verb.