
Csonka’s TNA Impact Review 10.07.15 | 411MANIA

  • ️Sat Jan 16 2016

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TNA Impact Review 10.07.15

World Title Series Match: Drew Galloway defeated Bram @ 8:00 via pin [**]
World Title Series Match: Brooke defeated Gail Kim @ 6:20 via pin [**½]
World Title Series Match: Rockstar Spud defeated Grado @ 5:55 via pin [DUD]
World Title Series Match: Ethan Carter III vs. Austin Aries went to a tem limit draw @ 15:00 [***¼]
World Title Series Match: Awesome Kong defeated Madison Rayne @ 4:10 via pin [**½]
World Title Series Match: Lashley defeated Mr. Anderson @ 12:15 via pin [***]

– So after Matt hardy won the TNA World Title at Bound For Glory, the title has now been vacated by the Ethan Carter III and he injunction that made way too much sense for a heel. Now, TNA now embarks on a very long World Title Series to crown a new champion. It’s a giant tournament, described as follows…

The World Title Series will feature a format very similar to soccer’s World Cup, with thirty-two members of the IMPACT WRESTLING roster competing for the TNA World Championship. The wrestlers will be divided into eight groups to begin round-robin group play. Winners receive three points, a draw receives one point and a loss earns zero points (matches have a 15-minute time limit). The top two point-getters from each group will advance to the field of 16 and a single elimination tournament where the competitor who wins advances and the loser goes home. The ultimate winner of the World Title Series will have survived the most grueling test in the history of wrestling and will be crowned the true and undisputed TNA World Champion.

– The first four groups have been announced, and they are…

Group UK:
* Bram
* Grado
* Drew Galloway
* Rockstar Spud

Group Wildcard:
* Kenny King
* Aiden O’Shea
* Crazzy Steve
* Mahabali Shera

Group Knockout:
* Awesome Kong
* Gail Kim
* Madison Rayne
* Brooke

Group Champions:
* Mr. Anderson
* Lashley
* Austin Aries
* Ethan Carter III

– They did a good job of explaining the situation up to this point with video packages.

Bram vs. Drew Galloway: Basic back and forth early as Bram tried to stay away from Galloway, which didn’t work that well. They cut in come studio interviews from both guys, which while appreciate it, may be better served before the match so that it doesn’t take away from the match. Bram played run away again, but finally attacked and slammed Galloway to the steps to get the heat. Not too energetic here, as both guys in their interview said that they would go to war, and Bram worked a chinlock-fest. Bram started to fire away on Galloway, who had enough of that shit and finally started to fight back. Bram again bailed to the floor, but Galloway followed and they brawled at ringside. Back in the ring, Galloway hit the running kick to pick up the win. It was a bit bland, but there was nothing wrong with it and it picked up down the stretch. Galloway picks up the first points of the tournament.

– Gail Kim is happy to be included in the series for a shot at the title.

– Galloway spoke about the win, in a post fight style interview. Those could be a nice touch if done right, and kept short.

Gail Kim vs. Brooke: These two have shown that they have some good chemistry, so I am looking forward to this. They worked a really nice pace, especially as compared to the opening match. They did a nice back and forth segment early, showing that Brooke was on Kim’s level, which was appreciated. I didn’t think that it was as smooth as their last match, they had some minor hiccups in the middle, but overall they did a good job delivering a competitive back and forth outing. Brooke hit the “butterface maker” but crashed and burned on the top rope elbow. Kim worked the figure four on the post, but Brooke was able to score the win with a roll up. I get that Kim in the top female star, but they mentioned that Brooke was a former three time Knockouts Champion, so I don’t think that they should have hyped it as a huge upset. Anyway, this was an overall fun match. I still think they have a way better match in them, there is good chemistry there.

– EC3 cut a promo about the series, and his opponent, Austin Aries. Did Aries file an injunction to get his TNA career back?

– Mathews and Pope recapped the action from earlier in the show.

Grado vs. Rockstar Spud: Grado controlled early, utilizing his size. He’d miss the corner cannonball, which allowed Spud to make the comeback with forearms. It then turned into an Attitude Era tribute match with Grado using a pedigree, dropping the straps and doing something resembling an ankle lock. Spud used a Stinger splash, bulldog and the set up to the worm. Grado then did the people’s elbow set up but got tired running around and over Spud repeatedly. He finally hit the elbow. Spud countered a Styles clash and hit a chokeslam for a near fall. Spud failed at the AA as Josh did JR-isms. Spud hit a stunner and the underdog for the win. Not my cup of tea to be honest with you, this is a world title tournament, and I would have preferred a more regular style match instead of a comedy one. Or at the very least a good comedy one, I like comedy wrestling when done right, this one simply did nothing for me. Some probably loved this, which is cool.

– Tyrus cut a promo, saying he shocked the world at Bound for Glory. He has EC3’s back, but he has a title shot, and if EC3 wins, things will get interesting.

Ethan Carter III w/Tyrus vs. Austin Aries w/Thea Trinidad: Carter gave Thea the “how you doin” eyes pre-match. They worked a slower beginning, basic back and forth stuff overall, with the feel that they were going to go long. Aries picked up the pace nicely as he took control, and as he took out Tyrus with a double axe handle, Carter sent him to the barricade as they worked through the break. Carter had control post break, but due to the commercial it was a shot heat and then Aries ran wild with his suicide dive and missile dropkick. Aries went up top late, but Carter snagged him up and hit a TKO for a near fall. The crowd was good here and easily better than the previous matches. They battled up top; Aries got the advantage and hit the 450 but Carter kicked out. That was a really good near fall there. Tyrus got involved near the finish, leading to Carter getting a sitout powerbomb for 2. Thea then got involved, leading to a roll up for 2 by Aries. Aries locked in the last chancery in he final minute, but Carter made the ropes. They teased their finishes in the final seconds, Aries looked for the last chancery again but Carter survived as the time expired. Good match, easily the best on the show so far; it served as a nice reintroduction of Aries and made people know that draws were a possibility. Carter attacked post match, but Aries hit the brainbuster to stand tall.

– Mr. Anderson cuts a promo about his match with Lashley tonight.

– Aries cuts a promo about his match. He knows Carter doesn’t want anymore of him, and if Carter tries his bullshit again, he will be victorious.

Awesome Kong vs. Madison Rayne: They went basic speed vs. power early, which allowed Rayne to keep a nice pace until Kong cut her off and started to toss her around. Rayne tried to hit and move, and then applied a sleeper. Kong eventually escaped, and worked a back breaker, trying to break Rayne in half. Kong missed a running splash, and Rayne got an Oklahoma roll for 2. Rayne fired away with a series of kicks and headed up top, connecting with a missile dropkick for 2. Kong then had enough of that shit; hit the backfist and the implant buster for the win. This was another fine match; Rayne generally works well with Kong, doing the right things at the right time.

– Lashley was interviewed earlier today about the tournament. He’s always shad to deal with tournaments, and being in the champions bracket, he knows he has to dominate the best of the best. He respects Anderson, but Anderson will be a victim because he stands in the way of his title.

– We get an interview with Matt Hardy. He said winning the title where he did in front of his family was a great moment, but due to the injunction and the need to keep Jeff out of legal trouble, he had to relinquish the title. He will enter the tournament and become the undisputed champion.

Lashley vs. Mr. Anderson: Lashley looked to use his grappling advantage early, and then after about 30-seconds, we headed to a commercial. After the break, we had more back and forth before Lashley hit a stalling vertical suplex. Anderson avoided the spear, and Lashley posted himself, allowing Anderson to get the heat. He attacked the arm and shoulder of Lashley, using logic! I hate when someone posts themselves or gets posted and it’s only a transition spot. I really appreciated the focus on the arm by Anderson here, methodical and measured, in an old school Anderson (Ole, Gene, Arn) kind of way. Lashley started to make his comeback; Anderson cut him off and hit the Finlay roll. Anderson hit a TKO for a near fall as time was at about four minutes left. Lashley countered a mic check and then speared Anderson out of his boots for the win. They lost the crowd a little down the stretch and Lashley’s selling of the shoulder got a little dodgy, but that was a good main event match.

Group UK:
* Drew Galloway: (1-0) – 3pts
* Rockstar Spud: (1-0) – 3pts
* Bram: (0-1) – 0 pts
* Grado: (0-1) – 0 pts

Group Knockout:
* Awesome Kong: (1-0) – 3pts
* Brooke: (1-0) – 3pts
* Gail Kim: (0-1) – 0 pts
* Madison Rayne: (0-1) – 0 pts

Group Champions:
* Lashley: (1-0) – 3pts
* Austin Aries: (0-0-1) – 1 pt
* Ethan Carter III: (0-0-1) – 1 pt
* Mr. Anderson: (0-1) – 0 pts

Group Wildcard:
* Kenny King
* Aiden O’Shea
* Crazzy Steve
* Mahabali Shera

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”