
BHL Community – About BHL

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BHL Social Media


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Note: The @BioDivLibrary Facebook account is on hiatus as of 1 July 2021.

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Note: The @BioDivLibrary Instagram account is on hiatus as of 8 July 2020.

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BHL Member and Affiliate Social Media

Follow our BHL Members and Affiliates on social media! Note: For our multi-partner Members and Affiliates, only the social media accounts for the lead institutions are provided in this table. You can see a full list of all of our partners on our BHL Consortium page.

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Library and Archives@acadnatsci@AcadNatSci@AcademyofNaturalSciences
American Museum of Natural History Library@amnh@amnh@naturalhistory
Auckland War Memorial Museum@aucklandmuseum@aucklandmuseum@AucklandMuseum
Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne@bculausanne@BCULausanne@BCULausanne
California Academy of Sciences Library@calacademy@calacademy@calacademy
Canadian Museum of Nature@museumofnature@MuseumofNature@CanadianMuseumofNature
CONABIO, Lead Institution for BHL México@biodiversidad_mexicana@CONABIO@CONABIO
Cornell University Library@ornell_library@Cornell_Library@cornelluniversitylibrary
Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology@mayrlibrary@ernstmayrlib
Field Museum of Natural History Library@fieldmuseum@fieldmuseum@fieldmuseum
Harvard University Botany Libraries@HarvardLibrary@theHarvardLibrary
Internet Archive@internetarchive@internetarchive@internetnetarchive
Library of Congress@librarycongress/@librarycongress@libraryofcongress
Lloyd Library and Museum@lloydlibrary@LloydLibraryMus@LloydLibrary
LuEsther T. Mertz Library, The New York Botanical Garden@nybg@NYBGNYBotanicalGarden
MBLWHOI Library@MBLWHOILibrary@mblwhoilibrary
Mendel Museum@mendelmu@MendelMuseum
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin@mfnberlin@mfnberlin@MfN.Berlin
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle@le_museum@Le_Museum@museumnationaldhistoirenaturelle
Museums Victoria, Lead Institution for BHL Australia@museumsvictoria@museumsvictoria@museumvictoria
Národní Muzeum (National Museum, Prague)@narodnimuzeum@narodnimuzeumnarodnimuzeum
National Library Singapore@nationallibrarysg@nlbsingapore@NationalLibrarySG
Natural History Museum Library, London@natural_history_museum@NHM_Library@naturalhistorymuseum
Natural History Museum Los Angeles County@nhmla@nhmla@nhmla
Naturalis Biodiversity Center@museumnaturalis@museumnaturalis@museumnaturalis
Oak Spring Garden Foundation@oakspringgardenfoundation@oak_spring@OakSpringGardenFoundation
Peter H. Raven Library, Missouri Botanical Garden@mobotgarden@mobotgarden@missouribotanicalgarden
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Library, Art & Archives@kewgardens@Kew_LAA@kewgardens
SANBI Libraries, Lead Institution for BHL Africa@sanbi_za@sanbi_za@MaryGunnLibrarySANBI
Smithsonian Institution Archives@smithsonianarchives>@smithsonianarch@SmithsonianInstitutionArchives
Smithsonian Libraries@silibraries@silibraries@SmithsonianLibraries
The Arboretum Library at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden@laarboretum@LAArboretum@LAArboretum
The Lenhardt Library, Chicago Botanic Garden@chicagobotanic@chicagobotanic@chicagobotanicgarden
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library@usdagov@USDA_ARS@USDA
United States Geological Survey Libraries Program@usgs@USGS@USGeologicalSurvey
University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg@goetheunifrankfurt@ub_ffm@goetheuni
University Library, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign@uillinoislibrary@IllinoisLibrary@universitylibrary
University of Toronto Libraries@uoftlibraries@uoftlibraries
Yale University Library@yalelibrary@yalelibrary@yalelibrary
Scientific Electronic Library (SciELO) Program, BHL SciELO@RedeSciELO@SciELONetwork
Bibliothecha Alexandrina, Lead Institution for BHL Egypt@ba_news_events@bibalexOfficial
BHL Australia@bhl_au

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Want to discover online conversations about BHL books? Altmetric on BHL allows you to do just that!

Altmetric is a UK-based company that offers tools to help track online mentions of a library’s or publisher’s content. Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Reddit, Google+, and Mendeley, as well as other online sources like blogs and news outlets, are indexed.

Altmetric is tracking online conversations that include links to BHL books and articles. All mentions of an individual book (which include a link to the book itself or a link to a page within that book) are aggregated together into a single dashboard that allows you to explore all of the conversations happening about that item in one place. Each book’s individual dashboard is accessible by clicking on the Altmetric badge (a colorful, donut-shaped icon) in the book viewer header or the “see more details” link in the information box that pop-ups when you hover over the Altmetric badge (see below) in BHL.

Learn more on our blog.

Altmetric Badge in BHL
The Altmetric badge available in BHL.
Altmetric Dashboard from BHL Book
The Altmetric Dashboard for an item in BHL.
  • The Altmetric icon will appear in the book viewer header for any book that has been mentioned (and where that mention includes an actual link to that book or a page within that book) on one of the indexed online sites. If there is no Altmetric icon in the book viewer header, then there have not yet been any online conversations (with a link) about that book.
  • Altmetric dynamically tracks new online mentions of BHL books. That means that if you tweet or post about a book in BHL (and include the link to it), Altmetric will subsequently index that post and make it available in BHL via the described Altmetric icon.
  • Altmetric picks up new mentions on Twitter, news outlets, and blogs on a daily basis. Mentions on Wikipedia, Google+, and Facebook are picked up and indexed via the described dashboards every 2-3 days.
  • Mentions of BHL content on social media sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Reddit, and Mendeley) are captured from June 2014-onwards. Mentions of BHL content on blogs and news articles are captured since the launch of BHL onwards.
  • Indexed conversations are those that include links that start with “https://biodiversitylibrary.org/item/” or “https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/” or “https://biodiversitylibrary.org/part/.” We are not tracking mentions with links that start with “https://biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/” due to Google Scholar tag guidelines, which form the basis of Altmetric’s tracking ability.
  • Traditionally, Altmetric tracks only DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) mentions, but for this project our team worked with Altmetric to pioneer the tracking of URIs (Unique Resource Identifiers) via Altmetric. In exchange, Altmetric has granted us free access to their license and services.


BHL’s implementation of Altmetric was made possible in part by a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services as part of our Mining Biodiversity Project [Grant number LG-00-14-0032-14].

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Official Policies and Terms of Use

The SI Terms of Use apply to all BHL social media platforms.

Smithsonian Directive SD-814 regarding social media activities applies to all social media platforms and activities.

Promotion of 3rd party content through BHL’s website and communication channels is restricted to entities with which BHL has an official relationship.

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