Thomas Aquinas Commentary on the Sentences translations 

    These draft translations are the fruits of the Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ Project, Phase One: the translation of texts of Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard select for to reveal the profound influence of philosophy from the Arabic / Islamic Tradition on the development of Aquinas’s theological and philosophical thought and writings.

    The final published translated texts will be accompanied by introductions and detailed commentaries with comparative studies and analyses of the Arabic original texts and arguments, the Latin translations, and the reasoning of Aquinas.

    The rights to the use of these translations have been reserved under a Creative Commons license. (For information on Creative Commons licensing, see

These translations may used freely in accord with the following conditions indicated in the Creative Commons license:

  1. 1.They may not be modified or altered in content (e.g., they may not be distributed without the notes, may not be revised by the user, et alia);

  2. 2.They may not be used in any commercial way;

  3. 3.Use of these translations must always be accompanied with full and complete attribution to the author and to the website on which they appear.

For further information on the Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ Project, contact

Draft translations of selected texts from Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard