Allied Forces

"The occupied Ustio government military placed all their hopes on a joint operation between Osea and the foreign mercenary forces."
Brett Thompson[3]

The Allied Forces (連合軍) was a military alliance formed on April 1, 1995[3] to combat the Belkan Federation's invasion during the Belkan War. The Osean Federation and Republic of Ustio led the Allied Forces to victory two and a half months later.

The Allied Forces remained active to quell the A World With No Boundaries rebellion in December 1995. After this, the member states no longer performed any joint military action, but continued to monitor Belkan War veterans in a large database until at least 2003.[1][2]


The Allied Forces was comprised of at least four different countries, yet it was usually led by the Osean Federation due to the country's much larger concentration of armed forces. Osea's major contributions included its entire 3rd Osean Naval Fleet, Osean Army divisions, and a large number of aerial squadrons.

The other member states—the Republic of Ustio, the Kingdom of Sapin, and the Union of Yuktobanian Republics—contributed far less to the Allied Forces's composition. Ustio and Sapin provided their entire armies and air forces to the war effort, while Yuktobania spared a few of its air squadrons as well.

Ironically, the most important pilot in the Allied Forces was not a member of any of the official armed forces. Rather, it was Cipher, a mercenary under hire for the Ustio Air Force. His actions directly led to the destruction of Excalibur,[4] the Allied victory at Area B7R,[5] and the destruction of the V2.[6]



Belka declared war on its neighboring countries on March 25, 1995, and performed numerous first strikes with the legendary Belkan Air Force. Ustio was completely unprepared and lost most of its territory in five days. Osea and Sapin also lost most of their eastern and western territory, respectively, in the same time frame. Two days later, on April 1, Ustio entered an alliance with Osea and began to hire mercenary forces to replace their lost pilots.[3] Sapin also eventually joined the alliance, and Yuktobania - across the Ceres Ocean - even sent some squadrons to support Osea, but it is unknown when the two formally joined.


On April 24, the Allied Forces performed its first major operation: Offensive Campaign No. 4101. Osea provided its new aircraft carrier - the OFS Kestrel - as well as seven other ships and some Osean Air Defense Force squadrons. Ustio, starved for ground troops, could only provide some of its air squadrons and mercenary forces. The main goal of 4101 was to secure a sea transit route through the Belkan-controlled Futuro Canal, which was surrounded by Belka to the north, Osea to the west and south, and Ustio to the east. Ustian and Osean pilots made the first shots against the Belkan coastal and aerial forces stationed to the south of the canal. Following their success, the squadrons then engaged the Belkan coastal and naval forces to the north of the canal. At this point, Futuro Canal came under Allied Forces control, and the 3rd Osean Naval Fleet began its advance through the canal. The remaining pilots defended the fleet from Belkan reinforcements, and the fleet successfully broke through.[7]

Three weeks later, Osea and Ustio began a counterattack against Belkan forces still occupying Ustio territory. Osea's 101st Airborne Division and 122nd Airborne Division performed a paratroop operation in Solis Ortus and recaptured the town in the early hours of May 12[8], and they made a rush for Ustio's capital, Directus, which was liberated the next day.[9]

Invading Belka[]

By May 13, all of the invaded territories were restored. At some point prior, the Allied Forces had signed a nonaggression treaty at the Assembly of Nations, preventing them from performing retaliatory attacks into Belkan territory.[5] However, the Allied Forces initiated an invasion regardless, invading both Glatisant (claiming to perform inspections for nuclear weapons)[10] and the Schayne Plains (claiming to protect their refueling operations)[11]. During both operations, the Belkans protected their land with attacks from the Excalibur laser tower. The Allied Forces sent the Galm Team and Crow Team, two Ustian mercenary forces, deep into Belkan territory to destroy Excalibur.[4] Soon afterward, the Allied Forces officially announced their abrogation of the treaty and simultaneously invaded Area B7R, a major aerial battle that ended in Allied victory but with major casualties on both sides.[5]

The escalation of hostilities from the Allied Forces resulted in Belka escalating their responses as well. The Allied Forces performed an indiscriminate mass bombing of Hoffnung, during which Belkan forces initiated a scorched earth policy to prevent the Allied Forces from obtaining anything useful.[12] These hostilities reached a peak when the Allied Forces attempted an invasion of Sudentor to open the path into North Belka; Belka responded by detonating seven tactical nuclear bombs across the Waldreich Mountains.[13] The Allied advance was immediately halted, and both sides ordered a cease-fire and began peace talks. However, some Belkan forces ignored the cease-fire and continued resistance; the Allied Forces responded with covert operations to quell the resisting forces: Operation Stone Age[14] and Operation Broom.[15]

A World With No Boundaries[]

The Allied Forces remained dormant from July until December 25, when A World With No Boundaries revealed itself and simultaneously attacked both Lumen and Valais Air Base.[16] The Allied Forces discovered that the organization, comprised mainly of the resisting Belkan forces along with renegade Osean and Sapin forces, had taken control of a V2. On December 31, they performed a massive aerial offensive comprised of Ustian and Osean pilots against the V2's launch facility at Avalon Dam. Most of the pilots were killed or went missing, as did most of the Belkan forces. Cipher single-handedly destroyed the facility[17] and shot down Larry Foulke, who had shown up in an advanced aircraft, leading to the V2's destruction.[6]

Following the success of this operation, the Allied Forces ceased to perform any further joint military operations. They continued to monitor Belkan War veterans, from Belka as well as the Allied member states, and keep their records in a large database.[1][2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ace Combat Zero Assault Records, #038 - Albrecht Klos.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Ace Combat Zero Assault Records, #139 - Gregory Brown.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "A Record of The Belkan War". Cutscene. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sword of Annihilation. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Mayhem. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Zero. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  7. Juggernaut. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  8. Flicker of Hope. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  9. Diapason. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  10. Bastion. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  11. Merlon. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  12. The Inferno. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  13. The Stage of Apocalypse. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  14. Lying in Deceit. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  15. The Final Overture. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  16. The Talon of Ruin. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.
  17. The Valley of Kings. Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War.