Clinical Trial Authorisation
Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
CTA | Commodity Trading Advisor |
CTA | Chicago Transit Authority |
CTA | Canadian Transportation Agency |
CTA | Cuenta (Spanish: account) |
CTA | Central Tibetan Administration |
CTA | CDS (Combat Direction System) Track Association |
CTA | California Teachers Association |
CTA | Chemisch Technische Assistenten (German: Chemical-Technical Assistant) |
CTA | Computed Tomography Angiography (medical imaging) |
CTA | Call to Action (Catholic lay organization) |
CTA | Cross Traffic Alert (vehicle radar) |
CTA | Cost to Acquire |
CTA | Cherenkov Telescope Array (world-wide project) |
CTA | Court of Tax Appeals (various locations) |
CTA | Chain Transfer Agent (chemistry) |
CTA | Canada Transportation Act |
CTA | Centre Technique de Coopération Agricole et Rurale (French) |
CTA | Common Task for Assessment |
CTA | Clearing The Air (workshops) |
CTA | Centrale de Traitement d'Air (French: Air Handling Unit) |
CTA | Cancer-Testis Antigen (immunotherapy) |
CTA | California Trucking Association |
CTA | Central de los Trabajadores Argentinos (Confederation of Argentine Workers) |
CTA | Classroom Teachers Association |
CTA | Cuff Tear Arthropathy |
CTA | Conselho Tecnico Administrativo (Portuguese: Technical Administrative Council, Brazil) |
CTA | Community Transport Association (UK) |
CTA | Common Travel Area (UK and Ireland) |
CTA | Constant Temperature Anemometry (gas measurement) |
CTA | Certified Tourism Ambassador (various locations) |
CTA | Center for Transportation Analysis |
CTA | Constructive Technology Assessment |
CTA | Content Targeted Advertising |
CTA | Call to Action |
CTA | Click to Action |
CTA | Cisco Trusted Agent |
CTA | Call to Arms (gaming, Lord of Destruction Runeword) |
CTA | Centre de Traitement de l'Alerte (French: Alert Treatment Center) |
CTA | Christian Tools of Affirmation |
CTA | Contribution Tarifaire d'Acheminement (French: Routing Tariff Contribution; energy tax) |
CTA | Cognitive Task Analysis |
CTA | Consolidated Tape Association |
CTA | College Television Awards (Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation) |
CTA | Control Area (Air Traffic) |
CTA | Computerized Tomography Angiogram |
CTA | Certified Travel Associate |
CTA | Cumulative Translation Adjustment (accounting) |
CTA | Comunità Terapeutica Assistita (Italian: Assisted Therapeutic Community) |
CTA | Cisco Trust Agent |
CTA | Conservation Technical Assistance |
CTA | Call to Arms (Diablo 2 gaming) |
CTA | Cellulose Triacetate (membrane used for reverse osmosis) |
CTA | Center for Technology Assessment |
CTA | Community Tennis Association |
CTA | Chartered Tax Adviser (Chartered Institute of Taxation; UK) |
CTA | International Center for Technology Assessment |
CTA | Corporations Tax Act (Canada) |
CTA | Custom Truck Accessories (Ham Lake, MN) |
CTA | Computer Technology Associates |
CTA | Charleville-Triathlon-Ardennes (French triathlon) |
CTA | Competitive Telecommunications Association |
CTA | County Transportation Association (New Jersey) |
CTA | Central Terminal Area (LaGuardia Airport) |
CTA | Clinical Trial Authorisation (UK) |
CTA | Clinical Trials Administration |
CTA | Coquitlam Teachers' Association (Canada) |
CTA | Calculated Time of Arrival (aviation) |
CTA | Clinical Trials Agreement |
CTA | Cross Track Angle |
CTA | Certified Tax Assessor (New Jersey) |
CTA | Compagnie des Transports de l'Atlantique (French: Transport Company of the Atlantic) |
CTA | Commerciale Tubi Acciaio (Italian: Commercial Steel Pipes) |
CTA | Canadian Telework Association |
CTA | Corrections Training Academy (various locations) |
CTA | Central Trading Agency (various locations) |
CTA | Centre Technique de l'Aluminium (French: Aluminium Technical Center) |
CTA | Colorado Translators Association |
CTA | Coefficient de Transfert Atmosphérique (French: Atmospheric Transfer Coefficient) |
CTA | Controlled Time of Arrival |
CTA | Clear To Auscultation (medical; lungs) |
CTA | Coast Transit Authority |
CTA | Catamount Trail Association (Burlington, VT) |
CTA | Centro Técnico Aerospacial (Airspace Technical Center - São José dos Campos, Brazil) |
CTA | Corrections Technology Association |
CTA | Collaborative Technology Alliances (military robotic research) |
CTA | Coal Trading Association (Arlington, VA) |
CTA | Classification Tree Analysis |
CTA | Children's Television Act of 1990 |
CTA | Currency Translation Adjustment |
CTA | Czech Tourist Authority (Czech Republic) |
CTA | Common Table of Allowance |
CTA | Cable Telecommunications Association |
CTA | Critical Thinking Appraisal |
CTA | Contractor Team Arrangement |
CTA | Cleveland Thygaraja Aradhana |
CTA | Chaudronnerie et Tôlerie de l'Argonne (French boilermaking company) |
CTA | Clear Text Authentication |
CTA | Community Technology Alliance |
CTA | Calculated Tumor Area (cancer) |
CTA | Clinical Teachers Association (Canada) |
CTA | California Telephone Association |
CTA | Commodity Trend Alert (investing) |
CTA | Child Trauma Academy |
CTA | Colorado Telecommunications Association |
CTA | Chief Technical Architect (job title) |
CTA | Central Training Academy (security training institution) |
CTA | Cotton-Tipped Applicators |
CTA | Computational Technology Area |
CTA | Certified Tax Accountant (certification) |
CTA | Catania, Sicily, Italy - Fontanarossa (Airport Code) |
CTA | Controllore del Traffico Aereo (Italian: air traffic controller) |
CTA | Cum Testamento Annexo (Latin: With the Will Attached) |
CTA | Canadian Theatre Agreement |
CTA | Clinical Trial Assay |
CTA | Critical Task Analysis |
CTA | Common Terms Agreement |
CTA | Cryptologic Technician Administrative (US Navy) |
CTA | Call to Australia (political group) |
CTA | Certified TestStand Architect (National Instruments Corporation) |
CTA | Chimie Théorique Appliquée |
CTA | Combined Travel Authorization |
CTA | Cadet Training Assistant (Air Force ROTC) |
CTA | Center for Total Access (Fort Gordon, GA) |
CTA | Canadian Trotting Association |
CTA | Airtour Cyprus Travel Agency Ltd. |
CTA | Centre de Technologie Avancée (French: Advanced Technology Center) |
CTA | Croatian Telecommunications Agency |
CTA | China Type Approval |
CTA | Certified Tax Administrator |
CTA | Clinical Telephone Advice (UK) |
CTA | Commercial Transport Act (Canada) |
CTA | Controlled Thrust Assembly (NASA) |
CTA | Central TMDE Activity |
CTA | Compassionate Travel Assistance (Canada) |
CTA | California Transportation Authority |
CTA | Commercial Test Agreement |
CTA | Cover Thy Ass |
CTA | Commercial Travelers Association |
CTA | Competitive Telecommunications Alliance |
CTA | Center Test Authority |
CTA | Cabletron Traffic Accountant |
CTA | Credibility Through Accountability |
CTA | Certified Track-It! Administrator |
CTA | Companion Trainer Aircraft |
CTA | Care Taiwan Association |
CTA | Capital Theory Approach |
CTA | Common Tactical Aircraft |
CTA | Certification of Territorial Authority (Indiana PSC) |
CTA | Center Frequency Tone |
CTA | Chinese Taoist Association |
CTA | Coating Technologies Associates |
CTA | Close Textual Analysis (literature) |
CTA | (USN Rating) Cryptologic Technician (Administrative) |
CTA | Cooperative Test Agreement |
CTA | Country Team Assessment (US Foreign Military Sales) |
CTA | Customer To Advise |
CTA | Counterintelligence Training Academy |
CTA | Capitalization of Tangible Assets |
CTA | Counter Trafficking Activities |
CTA | Classified Terminal Area |
CTA | Customer Test Assist |
CTA | Consolidated Table of Allowance |
CTA | Communications Technology Association of Minnesota |
CTA | Computerized Telephone Accounting |
CTA | Consumer Telecommunications Agreement (Sprint) |
CTA | Channel & Traffic Control Agency |
CTA | Cycleworld Thugs of America |
CTA | Chemical Target Analysis |
CTA | Critical Threat Analysis |
CTA | Contract Technical Administrator |
CTA | Cognizant Transportation Agency |
CTA | Circuit Timing Analysis |
CTA | Children's Transplant Association |
CTA | Chief Test Administrator |