Agda in Padova

second part of the course teoria dei tipi • begin April 27th, 2023 • by Ingo Blechschmidt

Welcome to our joint course on Agda. :-)

Agda is a programming language. But Agda is much more than that: Agda is also a proof language. We can write up mathematical proofs in Agda, even proofs concerning infinite or uncomputable objects. Furthermore, Agda is not static: Agda is also a proof assistant helping us devise proofs. With Agda, we can …:

  • develop proofs and ensure their correctness,
  • practically explore type theory
  • appreciate mathematics from a new point of view and
  • verify the correctness of programs.

I hope you will enjoy the course. Questions and suggestions are always welcome!


Thursdays from 4.30 pm till 6.30 pm (Italian time)
Fridays from 2.30pm till 4.30 pm

Exercise sheets

Suggested exercises and their solutions will be posted here.

  • Sheet 1. basic functions with booleans and natural numbers
  • Sheet 2. basic functions with lists and vectors, and basic proofs regarding natural numbers
  • Sheet 3. basic proofs with equality
  • Sheet 4. equational reasoning, relations
  • Sheet 5. correctness of insertion sort
  • Sheet 6. ordinal numbers
  • Sheet 7. termination and well-founded recursion
  • Sheet 8. Cubical Agda

Transcripts and recordings

Recordings available here.


First draft based on earlier Agda workshops. After the basics are cleared, we can explore lots of different tangents. Your input is very much welcome.

  1. Agda as a programming language
    • Bool, id, neg, ¬_, and
    • Nat, add2, pred, recursion
    • "types are first-class", "everything has a type"
    • Weird
    • NatList
    • List
    • Vector
  2. Agda as a proof language
    • de Morgan
    • relations
    • equality type, zero = zero, neg² = id, function extensionality
    • lemmas about natural numbers
    • general induction
  3. Exploring Agda
    • certified sorting
    • sets as trees, Russell's paradox
    • simply typed lambda calculus
    • minima of sets of natural numbers, Higman's Lemma
    • setoids
    • cubical Agda
    • your suggestion here



phone: +49 176 95110311 (also Telegram)