How to apply
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Guide to applying
Thank you for your interest in working at AIATSIS. This short guide will make sure that you have the best possible chance of success in your application.
- AIATSIS uses an online recruitment system, we do not accept emailed responses. All applications must be received by the listed closing date.
- If you are having trouble and are unable to submit your application online, please email before the closing date.
- Read the selection documentation carefully. This will consist of an application pack that outlines the role and our ideal candidate. This information will give you an understanding of the sort of work involved and AIATSIS’ expectations of the person who will eventually fill the position.
- If you have questions about the position or require further information, contact the contact officer listed in the application pack.
- Your application should be a succinct summary referring to our ideal candidate. All applications will be assessed in relation to this. If you don't provide this, your application may not be considered.
- All positions within AIATSIS are Identified Positions meaning all employees must display a level of cultural competence appropriate to the role. It is critical that you address the cultural capability requirements outlined in the application pack as these requirements carry more weight.
- If you are unfamiliar with applying for jobs in the Australian Public Service, the following Australian Public Service Commission resource may be useful
- You should also familiarise yourself with the APS Code of Conduct and APS Values. Successful applicants will be required to abide by the Code of Conduct and Values.
- If you are unfamiliar with AIATSIS and our employment conditions, read about us on our website and consult our current Enterprise Agreement. For those without internet access, please contact our recruitment team to request a copy of the Enterprise Agreement.
- Before you submit your application, it is a good idea to get another person to read through it. You need to make sure that it convincingly explains your claims against our Ideal Candidate, covers what you have actually done, and provides evidence of your suitability for the position. It needs to be clear, accurate and concise, and the information you have supplied needs to be
relevant to this. - Your application should also include a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) setting out your qualifications, education, work history and other details which you think are relevant to the position.
Late applications
If you find that you are having difficulty meeting the closing date, please contact the contact officer before the closing date and discuss your reasons for the delay.
Affirmative Measures
- Some positions may be advertised as an Affirmative Measures position. This means that only Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people may apply for the position. Applicants may be required to provide proof of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent.
- Find out more about Identified and Affirmative Measures positions in the APSC Indigenous Recruitment Guide
- There are a number of resources to assist you to confirm your Indigenous heritage:
Selection process
Selection is based on merit and the selection process may include an assessment of your written application, an interview and referee comments. The selection methods may vary and may include a written or work sample test.
Each role has been classified against the APS-wide Work Level Standards, these standards describe the key duties, responsibilities, and expectations at each classification level. Having an understanding of this information will assist you in ensuring your application meets the minimum requirements at the advertised level.
If you are uncertain of the progress of your application, please phone or email the contact officer for an update.
Please note, all AIATSIS positions are classified as Identified positions to signify the strong involvement all roles have relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters. This means that cultural competency is a mandatory selection criterion that will be assessed as part of all formal and informal engagements into the Institute.
Selection panels at AIATSIS generally consist of three people. Each selection panel has at least one Indigenous person, one male and one female.