About the Exchange

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The Indigenous Research Exchange improves outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by promoting Indigenous self-determination through greater engagement with and collaboration in research projects.

We encourage and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to set research priorities, lead projects and determine the appropriate collection and use of data about communities.

The Indigenous Research Exchange is an exciting opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations to work together to translate research into meaningful, useful and practical information.

The key objectives of the Indigenous Research Exchange are to:

  • Connect people, data, ideas and evidence
  • Translate, synthesise, and disseminate evidence and data
  • Make research findings more accessible, contestable and useable
  • Shape research agendas
  • Promote good practice and use good evidence 

We offer:

  • A research grants program building on the evidence base supporting Indigenous decision making and policy design. Note this program is now fully expended.
  • Yumi Sabe, a data platform showcasing Indigenous research, addressing the need for access to useable data and information..

Exchange Advisory Board

The Indigenous Research Exchange Advisory Board was established to provide strategic guidance to the Exchange and ensure the outcomes and objectives of the program were achieved. The Advisory Board established research priorities to inform each grant funding round, based on engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples.

The Indigenous Research Exchange Advisory Board was disbanded in April 2024

For more information about the Exchange and Yumi Sabe

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