JGSDF Camp Aomori Heliport - AG13798 - Airport Guide


40-48-42.84N (40.8119)


140-42-22.68E (140.7063)

Magnetic Variation: 

9.3 W (as of March 2025 from WMM2020 model)

Time Zone: 

UTC +9.0 (Standard Time)
UTC +9.0 (Daylight Savings Time)

Airport Status: 


Facility Use: 




Traffic Pattern Altitude (MSL): 

1000 feet (305 m)

Based Aircraft

Annual Operations (as of )

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Business Name Frequency Phone Fuel Grade

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Primary Alternate
FSS on Field: 
FSS Name (ID): 
Toll Free Phone: 

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Dist (NM) ID Morse Code Name Type Freq True Hdg Mag Hdg
4.4 MRE Aomori VOR-DME 114.10 180 189
20.5 MWE Tohoku VOR-DME 114.90 90 99
31.3 MIS Misawa VORTAC 115.40 101 110
31.8 OMT Ominato TACAN 114.85 37 46
32.5 OM Ominato NDB 353 37 46
38.0 HVT Hachinohe TACAN 108.60 113 122
38.5 JC Hachinohe NDB 381 113 122
40.0 ODE Odate Noshiro VOR-DME 114.75 203 212
46.8 WMT Matsumae TACAN 112.10 323 332
58.0 HWE Hakodate VOR-DME 112.30 5 14
58.0 HW Hakodate NDB 388 4 13
72.3 ATE Akita VOR-DME 116.10 204 213
75.5 UWE Yuwa VOR-DME 110.65 198 207
80.4 MQE Miyako VOR-DME 116.60 134 143
80.7 MQ Miyako NDB 209 134 143
85.0 HPE Hanamaki VOR-DME 112.80 166 175
94.5 ORE Okushiri VOR-DME 109.85 323 333

Navigational Aid (NAVAID) distances from the airport are listed in Nautical Miles (NM).

Dist (NM) Name (Airport IDs) True Hdg Mag Hdg Fuel Grade


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Runway Summary

Longest Runway: is ft ( m) long
Runways with an Instrument Approach:

AG13798 Heliport Runway Details