The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World - Kindle edition by McGilchrist, Iain . Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @
'It's very simple: this is one of the most important books ever published. And, yes, I do mean ever. It is a thrilling exposition of the nature of reality, and a devastating repudiation of the strident, banal orthodoxy that says it is childish and disreputable to believe that the world is alive with wonder and mystery ... No one else could have written this book. McGilchrist's range is as vast as the subject - which is everything - demands. He is impeccably rigorous, fearlessly honest, and compellingly readable. Put everything else aside. Read this now to know what sort of creature you are and what sort of place you inhabit.' —Professor 'A work of remarkable inspiration and erudition, written with the soul and subtlety of a poet, the precision of a philosopher, and the no-nonsense grounding of a true scientist. In its pages, neuropsychology comes into conversation with philosophy, physics with poetry ... McGilchrist is the most generous and talented of writers: his fluid account, brilliantly and beautifully argued—and meticulously researched—brings us along with him, step by step, until we too can discern the horizons of a reconfigured world. McGilchrist's appreciation of ambiguity and paradox only enhances the clarity and vitality of his thought. This is a book of surpassing, even world-historical ambition, and—still more rare—one that delivers on its promise.' —Professor 'We badly need that now-almost-vanishingly rare personage, the true polymath. In Iain McGilchrist, in the nick of time, we have one. In this book, he draws quite magnificently on his post-disciplinary erudition precisely to explain how very much we are losing ... it is nothing less than a work of genius, diagnosing our dire predicament in full, and offering a way, instead.' —Professor 'A magnificent achievement ... The Matter with Things confirms the author's status as a leading contemporary polymath. With rarely matched clarity as well as deep learning, McGilchrist demonstrates not just that there is more to the world than matter, but also that there is more to matter itself than grasped by the shallow materialisms of our age.' — 'I loved —Professor 'In 2009 Iain McGilchrist published — 'This is the most extraordinary book. It's got evidence on every page of a mind that is stocked so richly and has meditated so long and so clearly on the most important subject we can face. I can't recommend it enough: it's an astonishing book, that will change many, many people's lives.' — 'Though not quite yet a household name, Iain McGilchrist is leading a quiet but far-reaching revolution in the understanding of who we are as human beings, one with potentially momentous consequences for many of the preoccupations - from ecology and health care to economics and artificial intelligence - that weigh on our present and darken our future ... McGilchrist turns to the resources at our disposal ... to encourage us to 'reconceive our world, our reality', to 'learn again to see'... this means engaging at length and at a high level of abstract argument with competing philosophical theories of truth, rationality, knowledge, perception and being. For philosophically-trained readers, those at least who would adhere to Friedrich Waismann's conviction that "at the heart of any philosophy worth the name is vision", this central thread of the book is deeply satisfying ... Though —Professor 'This book is an event. McGilchrist has written an astonishing, comprehensive work, of a kind the world has barely seen since the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries... I'd urge readers - unreservedly - to get and read — 'It is worth emphasising how rigorous, wide-ranging and well-evidenced McGilchrist's work is. His polymathic mind is on full display in —