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1094. The Olympics have already started!

Stoic MeditationsAug 23, 2022



1094. The Olympics have already started!

1094. The Olympics have already started!

When faced with anything painful or pleasurable, anything bringing glory or disrepute, realize that the crisis is now, that the Olympics have started, and waiting is no longer an option; that the chance for progress, to keep or lose, turns on the events of a single day.

Aug 23, 202202:36

1093. Homer and Chrysippus

1093. Homer and Chrysippus

If I admire the interpretation [of a philosophical treatise], I have turned into a literary critic instead of a philosopher, the only difference being that, instead of Homer, I’m interpreting Chrysippus.

Aug 22, 202202:03

1092. Don't judge others

1092. Don't judge others

Someone bathes in haste; don’t say he bathes badly, but in haste. Someone drinks a lot of wine; don’t say he drinks badly, but a lot. Until you know their reasons, how do you know that their actions are vicious?

Aug 19, 202202:07

1091. Non sequiturs

1091. Non sequiturs

The following are non-sequiturs: ‘I am richer, therefore superior to you’; or ‘I am a better speaker, therefore a better person, than you.’

Aug 18, 202202:20

1090. Every cup has two handles

1090. Every cup has two handles

Everything has two handles: one by which it may be borne, another by which it cannot. If your brother acts unjustly, do not lay hold on the affair by the handle of his injustice, for by that it cannot be borne, but rather by the opposite — that he is your brother, that he was brought up with you; and thus you will lay hold on it as it is to be borne.

Aug 17, 202202:43

1089. Of insults and logic

1089. Of insults and logic

Whenever anyone criticizes or wrongs you, remember that they are only doing or saying what they think is right. They cannot be guided by your views, only their own; so if their views are wrong, they are the ones who suffer insofar as they are misguided. I mean, if someone declares a true conjunctive proposition to be false, the proposition is unaffected, it is they who come off worse for having their ignorance exposed.

Aug 16, 202203:05

1088. Wrong priorities

1088. Wrong priorities

As you are careful when you walk not to step on a nail or turn your ankle, so you should take care not to do any injury to your character at the same time.

Aug 15, 202202:28

1087. Conversation and company

1087. Conversation and company

When you’re called upon to speak, then speak, but never about banalities like gladiators, horses, sports, food and drink – common-place stuff. Above all don’t gossip about people, praising, blaming or comparing them. Avoid fraternizing with non-philosophers. If you must, though, be careful not to sink to their level; because, you know, if a companion is dirty, his friends cannot help but get a little dirty too, no matter how clean they started out.

Aug 12, 202202:49

1086. Grief and loss

1086. Grief and loss

When somebody’s wife or child dies, to a man we all routinely say, ‘Well, that’s part of life.’ But if one of our own family is involved, then right away it’s ‘Poor, poor me!’ We would do better to remember how we react when a similar loss afflicts others.

Aug 11, 202202:21

1085. Money

1085. Money

If I can make money while remaining honest, trustworthy and dignified, show me how and I will do it. But if you expect me to sacrifice my own values, just so you can get your hands on things that aren’t even good – well, you can see yourself how thoughtless and unfair you’re being.

Aug 10, 202202:17

1084. On insults

1084. On insults

Remember, it is not enough to be hit or insulted to be harmed, you must believe that you are being harmed. If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation. … Take a moment before reacting, and you will find it is easier to maintain control.

Aug 09, 202202:18

1083. Do not groan inwardly

1083. Do not groan inwardly

When you see anyone weeping for grief, either that his son has gone abroad or that he has suffered in his affairs, take care not to be overcome by the apparent evil, but discriminate and be ready to say, "What hurts this man is not this occurrence itself — for another man might not be hurt by it — but the view he chooses to take of it." As far as conversation goes, however, do not disdain to accommodate yourself to him and, if need be, to groan with him. Take heed, however, not to groan inwardly, too.

Aug 08, 202202:43

1082. The fundamental tradeoff

1082. The fundamental tradeoff

You have to realize, it isn’t easy to keep your will in agreement with nature, as well as externals. Caring about the one inevitably means you are going to shortchange the other.

Aug 05, 202202:30

1081. Your reservoir of virtues

1081. Your reservoir of virtues

Provoked by the sight of a handsome man or a beautiful woman, you will discover within you the contrary power of self-restraint. Faced with pain, you will discover the power of endurance. If you are insulted, you will discover patience. In time, you will grow to be confident that there is not a single impression that you will not have the moral means to tolerate.

Aug 04, 202202:46

1080. The path to peace

1080. The path to peace

Don’t hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace.

Aug 03, 202202:38

1079. The use of impressions

1079. The use of impressions

What quality belongs to you? The intelligent use of impressions. If you use impressions as nature prescribes, go ahead and indulge your pride, because then you will be celebrating a quality distinctly your own.

Aug 02, 202202:37

1078. Facts vs value judgments

1078. Facts vs value judgments

It is not events that disturb people, it is their judgements concerning them.

Aug 01, 202202:43

1077. You should always have two goals in mind

1077. You should always have two goals in mind

When you’re about to embark on any action, remind yourself what kind of action it is. If you’re going out to take a bath, set before your mind the things that happen at the baths, that people splash you, that people knock up against you, that people steal from you. And you’ll thus undertake the action in a surer manner if you say to yourself at the outset, ‘I want to take a bath and ensure at the same time that my choice remains in harmony with nature.’

Jul 28, 202202:47

1076. Remember, we are all mortals

1076. Remember, we are all mortals

If you kiss your child or your wife, say to yourself that it is a human being that you're kissing; and then, if one of them should die, you won't be upset.

Jul 27, 202202:39

1075. Question your impressions

1075. Question your impressions

So make a practice at once of saying to every strong impression: ‘An impression is all you are, not the source of the impression.’ Then test and assess it with your criteria, but one primarily: ask, ‘Is this something that is, or is not, up to me?’

Jul 26, 202202:34

1074. The fundamental rule of life

1074. The fundamental rule of life

Some things are up to us, while others are not. Up to us are opinion, motivation, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever is of our own doing; not up to us are our body, our property, reputation, office, and, in a word, whatever is not of our own doing.

Jul 25, 202204:26

1073. Virtue is the only good

1073. Virtue is the only good

Despise poverty; no man lives as poor as he was born: despise pain; either it will cease or you will cease: despise death; it either ends you or takes you elsewhere: despise fortune; I have given her no weapon that can reach the mind. I have taken care that no one should hold you captive against your will: the way of escape lies open before you: if you do not choose to fight, you may fly. For this reason, of all those matters which I have deemed essential for you, I have made nothing easier for you than to die.

Jul 22, 202203:02

1072. What Nature has given us

1072. What Nature has given us

I have placed every good thing within your own breasts: it is your good fortune not to need any good fortune. Yet many things befall you which are sad, dreadful, hard to be borne. Well, as I have not been able to remove these from your path, I have given your minds strength to combat all: bear them bravely.

Jul 21, 202202:50

1071. The Stoic deterministic universe

1071. The Stoic deterministic universe

The fates guide us, and the length of every person’s days is decided at the first hour of their birth: every cause depends upon some earlier cause: one long chain of destiny decides all things, public or private. Wherefore, everything must be patiently endured, because events do not fall in our way, as we imagine, but come by a regular law.

Jul 20, 202203:04

1070. We should seek out life's challenges

1070. We should seek out life's challenges

To be always prosperous, and to pass through life without a twinge of mental distress, is to remain ignorant of one half of nature. You are a great human being; but how am I to know it, if fortune gives you no opportunity of showing your virtue? I think you unhappy because you never have been unhappy: you have passed through your life without meeting an antagonist: no one will know your powers, not even you yourself.

Jul 19, 202202:52

1069. It doesn't matter what you bear, but how you bear it

1069. It doesn't matter what you bear, but how you bear it

Good people ought to act so as not to fear troubles and difficulties, nor to lament their hard fate, to take in good part whatever befalls them, and force it to become a blessing to them. It does not matter what you bear, but how you bear it.

Jul 18, 202202:40

1068. No evil can befall a good person

1068. No evil can befall a good person

The pressure of adversity does not affect the mind of a brave person; for the mind of someone brave maintains its balance and throws its own complexion over all that takes place, because it is more powerful than any external circumstances.

Jun 17, 202203:18

1067. The Stoic argument from design

1067. The Stoic argument from design

Seneca presents an argument from design to conclude that the universe is rationally and providentially arranged, just like Cleanthes, Chrysippus, and Cicero had done before him, and like Epictetus will do afterwards. Of course, from a modern scientific perspective, such argument does not hold water.

Jun 16, 202203:14

1066. Stoic R&R

1066. Stoic R&R

It does good also to take walks out of doors, that our spirits may be raised and refreshed by the open air and fresh breeze. Sometimes we gain strength by driving in a carriage, by travel, by change of air, or by social meals and a more generous allowance of wine.

Jun 15, 202203:54

1065. Democritus vs Heraclitus

1065. Democritus vs Heraclitus

We ought therefore to bring ourselves into such a state of mind that all the vices of the vulgar may not appear hateful to us, but merely ridiculous, and we should imitate Democritus rather than Heraclitus. The latter of these, whenever he appeared in public, used to weep, the former to laugh.

Jun 14, 202202:52

1064. Stoic non-attachment

1064. Stoic non-attachment

Zeno, the chief of our school, when he heard the news of a shipwreck, in which all his property had been lost, remarked, “Fortune bids me follow philosophy in lighter marching order.”

Jun 13, 202202:34

1063. The reserve clause

1063. The reserve clause

He who does many things often puts himself in Fortune’s power, and it is safest not to tempt her often, but always to remember her existence, and never to promise oneself anything on her security. I will set sail unless anything happens to prevent me; I shall be praetor, if nothing hinders me; my financial operations will succeed, unless anything goes wrong with them.

May 31, 202202:50

1062. The problem with busyness

1062. The problem with busyness

We must limit the running to and fro which most people practice, rambling about houses, theaters, and marketplaces. They mind other peoples’ business, and always seem as though they themselves had something to do. If you ask them as they come out of their own door, “Whither are you going?” they will answer, “By Hercules, I do not know: but I shall see some people and do some things.”

May 30, 202202:51

1061. What do we labor for?

1061. What do we labor for?

The next point to these will be to take care that we do not labour for what is vain, or labour in vain: that is to say, neither to desire what we are not able to obtain, nor yet, having obtained our desire too late, and after much toil, to discover the folly of our wishes: in other words, that our labour may not be without result, and that the result may not be unworthy of our labour.

May 27, 202202:26

1060. The premeditatio malorum

1060. The premeditatio malorum

For by looking forward to everything which can happen as though it would happen to us, we take the sting out of all evils, which can make no difference to those who expect it and are prepared to meet it. … Disease, captivity, disaster, conflagration, are none of them unexpected: I always knew with what disorderly company Nature had associated me. … Ought I to be surprised if the dangers which have always been circling around me at last assail me?

May 26, 202203:10

1059. It's a matter of attitude

1059. It's a matter of attitude

In every station of life you will find amusements, relaxations, and enjoyments; that is, provided you be willing to make light of evils rather than to hate them.

May 25, 202202:32

1058. How many books? How many authors?

1058. How many books? How many authors?

What is the use of possessing numberless books and libraries, whose titles their owner can hardly read through in a lifetime? A student is over-whelmed by such a mass, not instructed, and it is much better to devote yourself to a few writers than to skim through many.

May 24, 202202:43

1057. The real value of things

1057. The real value of things

Let us accustom ourselves to set aside mere outward show, and to measure things by their uses, not by their ornamental trappings.

May 23, 202202:32

1056. Whereby Seneca praises Diogenes

1056. Whereby Seneca praises Diogenes

The best amount of property to have is that which is enough to keep us from poverty, and which yet is not far removed from it.

May 20, 202202:44

1055. The problem with too much wealth

1055. The problem with too much wealth

If you compare all the other ills from which we suffer—deaths, sicknesses, fears, regrets, endurance of pains and labors—with those miseries which our money inflicts upon us, the latter will far outweigh all the others.

May 19, 202202:41

1054. Be careful the company you keep

1054. Be careful the company you keep

We should choose for our friends those who are, as far as possible, free from strong desires: for vices are contagious, and pass from someone to their neighbor, and injure those who touch them.

May 18, 202202:40

1053. What we do is a preferred indifferent, how we do it is not

1053. What we do is a preferred indifferent, how we do it is not

No good is done by forcing one’s mind to engage in uncongenial work: it is vain to struggle against Nature.

May 17, 202202:37

1052. Careful about what and why you commit yourself to

1052. Careful about what and why you commit yourself to

We ought first to examine our own selves, next the business which we propose to transact, next those for whose sake or in whose company we transact it.

May 16, 202202:39

1051. Consider how much or how little you can do

1051. Consider how much or how little you can do

We ought therefore, to expand or contract ourselves according as the state of things presents itself to us, or as Fortune offers us opportunities.

May 06, 202202:19

1050. Be a good citizen

1050. Be a good citizen

The services of a good citizen are never thrown away: he does good by being heard and seen, by his expression, his gestures, his silent determination, and his very walk.

May 05, 202202:33

1049. Wisdom and age

1049. Wisdom and age

Often a man who is very old in years has nothing beyond his age by which he can prove that he has lived a long time.

May 04, 202202:11

1048. Serving the cosmopolis

1048. Serving the cosmopolis

Seneca explains that there are many ways to help improve the human cosmopolis: one can be a candidate for public office, a defense lawyer, or a teacher. Zeno, Cleanthes, and Chrysippus encouraged involvement in politics, but where themselves teachers.

May 03, 202202:38

1047. A very good question

1047. A very good question

How long are we to go on doing the same thing?

May 02, 202202:14

1046. Don't flee from yourself

1046. Don't flee from yourself

Hence men undertake aimless wanderings and travel along distant shores, trying to soothe that fickleness of disposition which always is dissatisfied with the present. As Lucretius says: “Thus every mortal from himself does flee.”

Apr 28, 202202:24

1045. Is tranquillity of mind really a good thing?

1045. Is tranquillity of mind really a good thing?

What you desire, to be undisturbed, is a great thing, nay, the greatest thing of all, and one which raises a man almost to the level of a god.

Apr 27, 202202:50