April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day is an event held on the first day of April, in Animal Crossing and City Folk. As in the real life event, pranks are played on this day. In New Leaf, April Fool’s Day involves guessing the correct villager between two identical of each villager, Blanca in disguise of one of them; a guide exists for the New Leaf version.


In Animal Crossing[]

Tortimer gives his prized software, Super Tortimer, which is actually a fake NES Game. Most other characters and villagers will attempt to trick the player verbally when first spoken to, with varying degrees of finesse. NPCs tend to deliver their lines well (such as Blathers claiming that an alien lifeform has been discovered or Sable's claim that Tom Nook will soon be stocking bikinis), while villagers vary with how well they manage their prank. Some of them will fumble their words, giggle or otherwise be incapable of delivering their line, while others will pull off their prank flawlessly.

Wild World[]

The player will receive a letter from the player's parents with a joke.

City Folk[]

April fools day tortimer

April Fool's Day in City Folk

The player receives a furniture leaf, which resembles the furniture leaf which can be found on the ground outside in the town. It serves as a joke on the fact this leaf does not turn into furniture, but is an item of furniture itself.

New Leaf[]

Main article: April Fool's Guide

The game is different from previous installments. The villagers will also try to trick the player. Blanca is the special event character, who can be found standing near the Town Tree. When spoken to, she will tell the player a few details of the event and then create a game, in which the player must find her in one of the villager's homes. She will take on the appearance of the villager whose home she is in, and the player must choose who is the real villager and who is Blanca.

The villager, either Blanca or the real villager, will make a statement which the player may know in order to determine who is the imposter and who is telling the truth. These statements could be favorite words, horoscope/birthdays, aspirations/dreams or hobbies. For example, a jock villager may have the dream of becoming a professional sports star.

When the player has decided on an answer, the speaking villager will give the player a towel, and must go to the villager they think is the imposter so that they can wipe their face, presumably to remove make-up. When talking to the assumed imposter, the player will give them the towel. The villager will turn around and rub their face, turning around to reveal their true identity. If it is Blanca, there will be a poof of smoke and she will reveal herself. The real villager will be relieved, knowing the player knows enough about them. Blanca will disappear and the villager will give them their picture.

The player can receive more than one picture from a single villager. This varies from how the player can receive a picture in Wild World, as they must befriend them and will only have one chance.


Blanca during April Fool's Day in New Leaf

Blanca during April Fool's Day in New Leaf

Blanca with the appearance of another villager

Blanca with the appearance of another villager

Blanca being identified

Blanca being identified

A player falling to a prank done by the villager

A player falling to a prank done by the villager

A villager giving the picture of herself after identifying the fake one

A villager giving the picture of herself after identifying the fake one


  • If a new villager has just moved in on April Fool's in New Leaf, Blanca will not visit their house.
  • if a new save file is started in City Folk on April Fool's Day, Blanca will be there to ask the player questions about themselves, instead of Rover.
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List of events by month
