
Eggs are crafting materials in New Horizons that are used to craft egg outfits and items in the Bunny Day series. They can also be eaten like fruit or sold for 200 Bells each.

Eggs can only be found during Bunny Day festivities, which occured from April 1st, 2020 to April 12th, 2020. The dates of the event change every year to coincide with the occurrence of Easter.


There are six different types of eggs, each of which is obtained in a different manner:

Type Image Obtained From
Earth egg Dig them up, similar to fossils
Stone egg Hit rocks with a shovel/axe
Leaf egg Shake trees that have eggs hanging from them
Wood egg Hit trees with an axe
Sky egg Shoot down multi-colored balloons
Water egg Go fishing


Recipe Name Image Materials Needed Size Obtained From Item Sell Price
Bunny Day arch 2x earth egg

2x stone egg
2x leaf egg
2x wood egg
2x sky egg
2x water egg

Zipper on Bunny Day 4,800 Bells
Bunny Day bag 1x earth egg

1x stone egg
1x leaf egg
1x wood egg
1x sky egg
1x water egg

Bunny Day 2,400 Bells
Bunny Day bed 1x earth egg

1x stone egg
1x leaf egg
1x wood egg
1x sky egg
1x water egg

Zipper at the beginning of Bunny Day festivities 2,400 Bells
Bunny Day crown 1x earth egg

1x stone egg
1x leaf egg
1x wood egg
1x sky egg
1x water egg

Bunny Day 2,400 Bells
Bunny Day festive balloons 1x stone egg

1x wood egg
1x water egg

Bunny Day 1,200 Bells
Bunny Day flooring 2x earth egg

2x stone egg
2x leaf egg
2x wood egg
2x sky egg
2x water egg

N/A Bunny Day 4,800 Bells
Bunny Day glowy garland 1x earth egg

1x stone egg
1x leaf egg
1x wood egg
1x sky egg
1x water egg

Bunny Day 2,400 Bells
Bunny Day lamp 4x wood egg
Bunny Day 1,600 Bells
Bunny Day merry balloons 1x earth egg

1x leaf egg
1x sky egg

Bunny Day 1,200 Bells
Bunny Day rug 1x earth egg

1x stone egg
1x leaf egg
1x wood egg
1x sky egg
1x water egg

Bunny Day 2,400 Bells
Bunny Day stool 3x water egg
Bunny Day 1,200 Bells
Bunny Day table 4x earth egg
Bunny Day 1,600 Bells
Bunny Day vanity 4x leaf egg
Bunny Day 1,600 Bells
Bunny Day wall 2x earth egg

2x stone egg
2x leaf egg
2x wood egg
2x sky egg
2x water egg

N/A Bunny Day 4,800 Bells
Bunny Day wall clock 3x sky egg
Bunny Day 1,200 Bells
Bunny Day wardrobe ​​​​​4x ​​stone egg
Bunny Day 1,600 Bells
Bunny Day wreath 1x earth egg

1x stone egg
1x leaf egg
1x wood egg
1x sky egg
1x water egg

Bunny Day 2,400 Bells
Earth-egg outfit 3x earth egg
Digging up earth eggs 1,200 Bells
Earth-egg shell 2x earth egg
Digging up earth eggs 800 Bells
Earth-egg shoes 2x earth egg
Digging up earth eggs 800 Bells
Egg party dress 3x earth egg

3x stone egg
3x leaf egg
3x wood egg
3x sky egg
3x water egg

Unlock recipes for all six Bunny Day egg outfits 7,200 Bells
Egg party hat 2x earth egg

2x stone egg
2x leaf egg
2x wood egg
2x sky egg
2x water egg

Unlock recipes for all six Bunny Day egg outfits 4,800 Bells
Leaf-egg outfit 3x leaf egg
Shaking trees to gather leaf eggs 1,200 Bells
Leaf-egg shell 2x leaf egg
Shaking trees to gather leaf eggs 800 Bells
Leaf-egg shoes 2x leaf egg
Shaking trees to gather leaf eggs 800 Bells
Sky-egg outfit 3x sky egg
Shooting down sky eggs 1,200 Bells
Sky-egg shell 2x sky egg
Shooting down sky eggs 800 Bells
Sky-egg shoes 2x sky egg
Shooting down sky eggs 800 Bells
Stone-egg outfit 3x stone egg
Hitting rocks with a shovel/axe to gather stone eggs 1,200 Bells
Stone-egg shell 2x stone egg
Hitting rocks with a shovel/axe to gather stone eggs 800 Bells
Stone-egg shoes 2x stone egg
Hitting rocks with a shovel/axe to gather stone eggs 800 Bells
Water-egg outfit 3x water egg
Fishing up water eggs 1,200 Bells
Water-egg shell 2x water egg
Fishing up water eggs 800 Bells
Water-egg shoes 2x water egg
Fishing up water eggs 800 Bells
Wood-egg outfit 3x wood egg
Hitting trees with an axe to gather wood eggs 1,200 Bells
Wood-egg shell 2x wood egg
Hitting trees with an axe to gather wood eggs 800 Bells
Wood-egg shoes 2x wood egg
Hitting trees with an axe to gather wood eggs 800 Bells