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Festivale (カーニバル, Kānibaru?, Carnival) is a Spring event that happens in February or March depending on the year. Pavé hosts the event in front of the Event Plaza. As some neighbors will tell the player, there will be no snow or rain during the entire day. Festivale is quoted (by Nintendo Power) as an "all-day festival of color, costumes and craziness!". In real life, the event falls on the day before Mardi Gras, a holiday celebrated in the Southern United States, and Carnival, a holiday celebrated worldwide, mainly in Brazil, just before Ash Wednesday. Therefore, Festivale is always two days before Ash Wednesday.



  • 11th February 2013
  • 3rd March 2014
  • 16th February 2015
  • 8th February 2016
  • 27th February 2017
  • 12th February 2018
  • 4th March 2019
  • 24th February 2020
  • 15th February 2021
  • 28th February 2022
  • 20th February 2023
  • 12th February 2024
  • 3rd March 2025
  • 16th February 2026
  • 8th February 2027

In all installments starting from City Folk, the player is given the objective of gathering items (candy in City Folk, feathers in New Leaf and New Horizons) requested by Pavé during the festivities. In obtaining the items, Pavé will reward the player with items from the Pavé Series of furniture. Villagers will also join in the festivities, challenging the player in a series of games. In New Leaf, three feathers of the same color have to be collected and given to Pavé. Villagers will also trade colored feathers.

In City Folk[]

During the day, neighbors walking around the town will challenge the player to a number of games to win candy. However, if the player loses the game they must give up some candy or 500 Bells. If the player is holding neither, the neighbor will randomly choose an item, i.e. furniture. There is no limit of how many games that can be played with the villagers, but only the ones outside of their homes play games.


Imaginary Soccer - The neighbor will pretend to be a sports commentator and will act out a soccer scene. In response, the player has to select either I'll kick left/right or I'll protect left/right. The player has to score or protect two times in a row. This will result in the neighbor giving the player a random color of candy.

Rock, Paper, Scissors - The neighbor will play a word game of rock, paper, scissors and they will shout their answer. The player has to be the first to get it right two times in a row to win a randomly selected item of candy.

Coin Toss - The neighbor will pretend to flip a coin and will ask the player which side they think will be facing up. The player has to do this 3 times in a row - if they lose the second or third time, they lose the game. When the player wins, they can pick any color of candy they want to receive.

What Hand the Candy is in - The neighbor will ask the player which hand they think the candy is in. The player has to get it right in both rounds. Once the player wins, they get a random piece of candy.

Psychic/ESP Test - The neighbor will visualize a particular image, and will task the player with determining what it is. The player has to get both questions right to get the candy. The first question is out of 3 shapes: circle, triangle, and square. The second question is out of five fruits: apple, peach, orange, cherry, and pear. Occasionally, in place of a fruit, the "none" option will appear. If the player wins, they get to pick what color candy they receive.


Main article: Candy

Candy is won during the events of Festivale, and can be supplied to Pavé depending on the color that he requests. Some candy can be collected before Festivale by buying it from the town store during the event. The player may also use candy collected from previous events, such as Halloween or Bunny Day. The player will also receive candy from town villagers.

Each color of candy represents a type of feeling/mentality, which Pavé will describe when he received them. These are described below:

  • Green Candy - Calm/relaxed. Pavé will announce he is hyper (possibly after eating Yellow Candy), and will ask for Green Candy to calm down. "Relaxing, like a stroll in park! The green kind!"
  • Blue Candy - Refreshing. Pavé will say he is getting tired. "Refreshing, like cold wind! The blue kind!"
  • Red Candy - Explosive. Pavé demands something juicy, "The red kind, like a strawberry explosion!"
  • Yellow Candy - Zesty. Pavé will announce that he has run out of "zest" in his dance. "Puckery, like lemonade! The yellow kind!"

In New Leaf[]

In New Leaf, Festivale differs from its City Folk counterpart. All villagers who can be found walking around the town will wear a feathered headdress. They will also be singing, dancing, and wearing the same shirt. The games from City Folk return, however, New Leaf introduces two new games and removes the ones which appeared in City Folk, with the exception of a modified Rock, Paper, Scissors.

The objective for the player has also changed. Instead of obtaining candy, the player is sent to find feathers for Pavé, which must be collected using a net. During the day, feathers will be falling from the sky amongst the confetti, making it challenging to identify the correct color of feathers. There are eight different colored feathers the player can get: pink, red, blue, green, yellow, white, purple, and rainbow.

Obtaining the correct number of the specific color of feathers requested by Pavé, or by catching a rainbow feather, earns the player a small dance performance, with a special dance if they have caught a rainbow feather. After Pavé has danced, he will give the player a piece of furniture from the Pavé Series.


Rock, Paper, Scissors - The neighbor will play a word game of rock, paper, scissors and they will shout their answer. The player has only one try to win this game, unless the player and the villager get a stalemate, then the player and the villager will restart the game till either one wins. If the player wins, the villager will give the player a feather. If the player loses, then the villager will take a feather from them.

Charades - The villager will act out a thing, animal, or type of person (ex.clown) using emotions. The player then has four different answers to choose from. If the player chooses the correct answer, then the villager will give the player a feather. If the player chooses a incorrect answer, then the villager will take a feather from the player.

Made Ya Look - The player has three tries to turn their head the same direction as the villager. If the player turns their head the same direction as the villager, then the villager will give the player a feather. If the player fails to turn their head in the same direction as the villager, then the villager will take a feather from the player. This game can only happen if the player is inside a villager's house.

In amiibo Festival[]

In amiibo Festival, Festivale is a board event that lasts for one turn. During this event all spaces turn into Feather Spaces. Each player will receive the feather of whichever space they land on, and will receive Bells and Happy Points according to which feather they pick up.

In New Horizons[]

Festivale and its host, Pavé, were added to New Horizons in the version 1.7.0 January update, as well as new Festivale-themed furniture items and four new reactions that allow you to dance with Pavé.

Items can be bought through Nook's Cranny prior to Festivale, or can be given to the player by Pavé during the course of the event.

On the day of Festivale, all villagers can be seen wearing a Festivale Accessory with a Festivale Tank Dress (females) or a Festivale Costume (males), and most will be out and about, dancing and singing. Pavé will be dancing in the plaza. In New Horizons, Festivale will only be celebrated if you have the upgraded Resident Services building.

Similar to New Leaf, when the player speaks with Pavé, he will ask that the player bring him feathers. If the player brings him three feathers of the same color, he'll perform a dance and then reward the player with a special Festivale-themed furniture item of the same color. The player can catch four types of feathers (red, blue, purple and green) where Pavé will give them a DIY Recipe for rainbow feathers which can be caught or crafted with one of each feather. If the player gives enough feathers to Pavé, he will ask them to give him 3 rainbow feathers in exchange for the Festivale Float.

Villagers can trade any variety of feathers with the player upon speaking to them if the player have a feather that's color is the same as the outfit they are wearing.


A room with furniture from the Pavé Series.
A room with furniture from the Pavé Series.
Main article: Pavé Series

During the Festivale, furniture from the Pavé Series can be obtained.


Once the player gives Pavé the candy (he always demands 3 pieces), he will give them an item. Sometimes they will receive the same item more than once. However, the upside is that all of his furniture is worth 12,000 Bells, except when noted.

The Pavé clock was distributed via WiiConnect24 during the Festivale 2010 event. Prior to New Leaf, it was not an official item in the Pavé series, and it is no longer obtainable through downloading, however it has since been made available as one of the items that Pavé gives out.

Furniture list[]

  • Pavé Bed
  • Pavé Bookshelf
  • Pavé Bureau
  • Pavé Chair
  • Pavé Chest
  • Pavé Closet
  • Pavé End Table
  • Pavé Floor (1,800 Bells)
  • Pavé Lamp
  • Pavé Sofa
  • Pavé Table
  • Pavé Wall (1,800 Bells)
  • Pavé Clock (NL) (CF: Distributed Item only, February 2010)

Tips and Tricks[]

Below are some useful tips and tricks when trading candy for Pavé's furniture.


If the player has too many of one type of feather/candies but not another, then the player can drop the "rarer" feather(s)/candies and keep the more "common" feather(s)/candies. Then the player can play games with villagers. Gaining more feathers/candies and if the player loses a game, then the player will not have to risk the villager from taking a "rarer" feather/candy.


The player can place candy or feathers in letters and keep them in the player's mail storage. One can also place the candy or feathers inside of furniture, like wardrobes or drawers.


It is generally advised to leave tools, special items and money in storage or any other area outside of the player's bag to save them from villagers. A common tip is to collect some shells and grab some fruit, then when the player talks to the villagers, instead of asking for 500 bells or valuable items they will ask for whatever fruit they have carrying around with them Whatever candy is earned can also be subject to taking, so any candy obtained should be instantly dropped or hidden in letters. Only in City Folk.


Villagers will compliment the player and give them a free piece of candy the first time they see them that day if they are wearing a "look". If the player put on a look later the villagers will not give them candy. This is only in City Folk.


City Folk[]

Pavé singing his song

Pavé singing his song

Giving Pavé candy

Giving Pavé candy

A villager complementing the player's look

A villager complementing the player's look

A sign appears on the bulletin board the week before Festivale

A sign appears on the bulletin board the week before Festivale

New Leaf[]

A player with a blue feather

A player with a blue feather

A player with a yellow feather

A player with a yellow feather

A player with a pink feather

A player with a pink feather

A player with a rainbow feather

A player with a rainbow feather

A player pursuing a blue feather

A player pursuing a blue feather

Pavé during the Festivale (Japanese Version)

Pavé during the Festivale (Japanese Version)

Pavé shouting Rainbow! (レインボーー Reinbō?) in Rainbow text.

Pavé shouting Rainbow! (レインボーー Reinbō?) in Rainbow text.

A player by Pavé (who is dancing).

A player by Pavé (who is dancing).

During the day of Festivale, a Festivale dress, top and trousers will be sold in Able Sisters

During the day of Festivale, a Festivale dress, top and trousers will be sold in Able Sisters

During Festivale, the player can also buy a Festivale Accessory.

During Festivale, the player can also buy a Festivale Accessory.

Pave's dance after given a Rainbow Feather.

Pave's dance after given a Rainbow Feather.

Pavé's "stage" lit up at night.

Pavé's "stage" lit up at night.

The player with Goldie during Festivale

The player with Goldie during Festivale

The full set of Pavé furniture.

The full set of Pavé furniture.

Confetti during Festivale at night.

Confetti during Festivale at night.

Pavé shouting "GLORIOUS" in rainbow text, after the player gives him a rainbow feather.

Pavé shouting "GLORIOUS" in rainbow text, after the player gives him a rainbow feather.

Blanche during Festivale.

Blanche during Festivale.

Rowan noticing the player carrying a blue feather.

Rowan noticing the player carrying a blue feather.

Blanche offering to put her feather on the line for a game.

Blanche offering to put her feather on the line for a game.

Pavé after receiving 3 blue feathers at his request.

Pavé after receiving 3 blue feathers at his request.

Pavé receiving 3 green feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 green feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 pink feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 pink feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 purple feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 purple feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 red feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 red feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 white feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 white feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 yellow feathers at his request

Pavé receiving 3 yellow feathers at his request

New Horizons[]

The square on Festivale

The square on Festivale

Dancing Pavé

An overhead view of the square on Festivale

An overhead view of the square on Festivale

Pavé receiving a rainbow feather

Pavé receiving a rainbow feather

Pavé receiving a three rainbow feathers

Pavé receiving a three rainbow feathers

Pavé dancing at night from above

Pavé dancing at night from above

A player with purple feather

A player with purple feather

A player with green feather

A player with green feather

A player with red feather

A player with red feather

A player with blue feather

A player with blue feather

A player with rainbow feather

A player with rainbow feather

Isabelle announcing the Festivale event

Isabelle announcing the Festivale event

v · d · e

List of events by month
