
Fossils are the preserved remains of a prehistoric plant or animal, encased in rock over thousands of years. They exist as items in the Animal Crossing series, and up to 5 are generated each day at 6 AM, the quantity depending on weather and the game. They are buried under starfish-shaped cracks and must be dug up with a shovel.

Fossils remain as a blue piece of rock with an ammonite and stars engraved on them (i.e. "Unidentified") until assessed. In Animal Crossing, fossils must be mailed to the Faraway Museum for identification. In Wild World, Blathers is authorized to identify fossils, and continues to do so in later games.

Fossils are one of the collections in the Museum. In Wild World, there are 52 fossils to be collected. In New Leaf, there are 67 fossils. Unidentified fossils count as trash items in all games except New Leaf, where they can be sold for 100 Bells at Re-Tail.

On average, players can find three fossils in their town per day, provided there is enough space for them to spawn. In New Leaf, four fossils tend to spawn each day. Other items such as pitfall seeds may also be buried underground.

Fossils as Furniture Items[]

Fossils may also be displayed in one's house and provide large boosts for HRA scoring. Standalone fossils (trilobite, egg, amber, etc.) provide small boosts, skulls provide a big boost, and a completed skeleton gives the highest boost. As furniture, all fossils are either Old School (Wild World), Retro (City Folk), or Quirky (New Leaf, excluding stand-alone fossils which have no theme or genre).

Cyrus in New Leaf will accept completed fossil sets and will turn them into mini-models for use in the home. Mini-models take only one square and can be displayed on a table.

Multi-part Fossils[]

Name Sell Price HRA Points Feng Shui Size (sq) Game(s)
Ankylo Skull 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Ankylo Tail 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Ankylo Torso 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Apato Skull 5,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Apato Tail 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Apato Torso 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Archelon Skull 4,000 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Archelon Torso 3,500 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Dimetrodon Skull 5,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Dimetrodon Tail 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Dimetrodon Torso 5,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Diplo Chest 4,500 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Diplo Hip 4,000 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Diplo Neck 4,000 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Diplo Skull 5,000 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Diplo Tail 4,500 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Icthyo Skull 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL
Icthyo Torso 2,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL
Iguanodon Skull 4,800 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Iguanodon Tail 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Iguanodon Torso 3,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Mammoth Skull 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Mammoth Torso 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Megacerops Skull 4,500 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Megacerops Torso 3,500 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Megacerops Tail 3,000 ? ? 2x2 (4) NL
Pachy Skull 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Pachy Tail 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Pachy Torso 3,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Parasaur Skull 3,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Parasaur Tail 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Parasaur Torso 3,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Plesio Neck 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Plesio Skull 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Plesio Torso 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Ptera Body 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 1x2 (2) WW
Ptera Left Wing 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 1x2 (2) AC, WW, CF, NL
Ptera Right Wing 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 1x2 (2) AC, WW, CF, NL
Ptera Skull 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 1x2 (2) AC, WW, CF, NL
Sabretooth Tiger
Sabretooth Skull 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Sabretooth Torso 2,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF, NL
Seismo Chest 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF
Seismo Hip 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF
Seismo Skull 5,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF
Seismo Tail 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) WW, CF
Spinosaurus Skull 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) NL
Spinosaurus Tail 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) NL
Spinosaurus Torso 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) NL
Stego Skull 5,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Stego Tail 4,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Stego Torso 5,400 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Styraco Skull 3,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL
Styraco Tail 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL
Styraco Torso 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL
Tricera Skull 5,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Tricera Tail 4,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Tricera Torso 5,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Tyrannosaurus Rex
T-Rex Skull 6,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
T-Rex Tail 5,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
T-Rex Torso 5,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) AC, WW, CF, NL
Raptor Skull 3,000 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL
Raptor Torso 2,500 1,000 Brown (x2) 2x2 (4) CF, NL

Standalone Fossils[]


Name Sell Price HRA Points Feng Shui Size (sq) Game(s)
Acanthostega 2,000 300 Beige/Brown 1x1 (1) NH
Amber 1,200 300 Orange/Brown 1x1 (1)
Ammonite 1,100 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1)
Anomalocaris 2,000 300 Black/Gray 1x1 (1) NH
Archaeopteryx 1,300 300 Brown (x2) 1x1 (1) WW, CF, NL
Coprolite 1,100 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) CF, NL
Dino Droppings 1,100 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) WW
Dinosaur Egg 1,400 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) AC, WW, CF, NL
Dinosaur Track 1,000 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) AC, WW, CF, NL
Dunkleosteus 3,500 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) NH
Eusthenopteron 2,000 300 Brown 1x1 (1) NH
Fern Fossil 1,000 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) WW, CF, NL
Juramaia 1,500 300 Beige/Brown 1x1 (1) NH
Myllokunmingia 1,500 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) NH
Peking Man 1,100 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) WW, CF, NL
Shark Tooth 1,000 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) WW, CF, NL
Trilobite 1,300 300 Gray/Brown 1x1 (1) AC, WW, CF, NL, NH


In Animal Crossing[]

Digging up a fossil in Animal Crossing.

In City Folk[]

Digging up a fossil in City Folk.

An Icthyosaur displayed at the museum in City Folk.

An Icthyosaur displayed at the museum in City Folk.

A Parasaurolophus displayed at the museum in City Folk.

A Parasaurolophus displayed at the museum in City Folk.

Upon completing the fossil collection in City Folk.

Upon completing the fossil collection in City Folk.

In New Leaf[]

Digging up a fossil for the first time in New Leaf.

Digging up a fossil for the first time in New Leaf.

Upon completing the fossil collection in New Leaf.

Upon completing the fossil collection in New Leaf.

In New Horizons[]

Giving Blathers a fossil not part of the Museum's collection.

Giving Blathers a fossil not part of the Museum's collection.

Digging up a fossil in New Horizons.


In other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Spain Spanish Fósil -
The Netherlands Dutch Fossiel -
Multi-part fossils
AnkylosaurusApatosaurusArchelonBrachiosaurusDeinonychusDimetrodonDiplodocusIchthyosaurIguanodonMammothMegaceropsMegalocerosOphthalmosaurusPachycephalosaurusParasaurolophusPlesiosaurPteranodonQuetzalcoatlusSabertooth tigerSeismosaurusSpinosaurusStegosaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rexVelociraptor
Stand-alone fossils
AcanthostegaAmberAmmoniteAnomalocarisArchaeopteryxAustralopithecusCoproliteDinosaur eggDinosaur trackDunkleosteusEusthenopteronFern fossilJuramaiaMyllokunmingiaPeking manShark toothShark-tooth patternTrilobite