Mii Mask

A Mii Mask in the Design window
In City Folk and New Leaf, the player can go to Shampoodle and Harriet will give the player a Mii Mask after the player requests a makeover. The Mii Mask replaces the player's head with one from any Mii saved on the player's Wii or 3DS. Accessories and hats are removed when the Mii Mask is worn. If the player wants to change their Mii Mask, they must ask for a makeover from Harriet and pay 3,000 Bells. If the player changes the mask on the Mii Channel/Maker it will be changed in their game. Mii Masks can be put on by using the Design window, though there must be pocket space for any accessory or hat the player is wearing. It can be removed at any time via the Designs window or putting on an accessory or hat, which sends the Mii Mask back to its spot in the Designs window. Bee stings will not show while wearing a Mii Mask, though villagers react as though they can see them. Miis have different expressions when the player uses emotions.
A player wearing a Mii Mask.
- Even though it is just a mask, the Mii Mask will display various emotions.
- In City Folk, if the player puts on a Mii Mask with a different skin tone, the player's arms and legs will become that skin tone too. However, in New Leaf, the skin retains its original shade (this was patched, however, in the November 2, 2016 update, so skin tone will now change accordingly).
- To change the Mii Mask to another design through Harriet costs 3,000 bells, and it is free to edit the Mii on which the mask is based, it is wise to make a Mii called "Mii Mask" and simply alter that when a change of style is desired.
- If stung by bees, you can not see it with the Mii Mask equipped.