Jodon Bellofatto |

Jodon Bellofatto Information

  2. Guests
  3. Jodon Bellofatto

Manager / Writer
California, MD

Home Page
See also: Final Fantasy XI - Warcry

Jodon got involved in the Manga/Anime scene with his friends (one being Katie Bair), and they were kind enough to make sure he was swallowed into it as effectively as possible by making his first Con Otakon.

After that, Jodon traveled with the rag tag group of budding manga artist under Katie's tutalige (Ryuhana Press) as a Staff Writer. He soon there after became the Con Manager for Ryuhana Press, and even after it's disbandment continues to be Katie's Con Manager to this day and is often seen in tow with Katie at her many con appearences.

Although, normally the silent partner in the dynamic duo (w/ Katie Bair), Jodon Bellofatto is no stranger to anime and gaming conventions. Besides running the managerial side of Katie's work, he is also the snarky comedy writer behind the Final Fantasy spoof advice column "Sir Digimus' Guide to the Weary Traveller". When Jodon isn't busy ranting about what he considers to be the "torrid" state of otaku-dom, he's usually joined in a symbiotic relationship with his computer.

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