Chuck Stroschein |

Chuck Stroschein Information

  2. Guests
  3. Chuck Stroschein

Chuck Stroschein

Cosplayer / Dance Choreographer
Orlando, FL

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Chuck Stroschein (aka "Breakdancing Kakashi") was first discovered by chance while performing for a cosplay contest at Anime Festival Orlando in 2008. His natural ability to work a crowd fascinated Concept Galaxy's producer. Because of this she invited him to perform an opening dance number for a show Concept Galaxy was putting on at Anime X Gamer Experience 2008.

Since his initiation, Chuck has quickly proven himself an invaluable addition to the team. He has helped coreograph and perform numerous dance routines alongside Peter Thomas for Concept Galaxy shows and is a regular talent for lolfilmworks videos as well.

Chuck also likes to stay involved in the cosplay community by competing in cosplay skit contests or appearing as a guest cosplay judge. He is probably best known though for popping into dance parties and raves and doing what he loves to do best... make friends and dance the night away with them!

18 confirmed guest appearances

View Chuck Stroschein on for 1 additional guest appearances

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