James Perry II |

James Perry II Information

  2. Guests
  3. James Perry II

Writer / Artist

James Perry II is an American writer and manga artist who graduated with a BA in Game Art and Design. For a few years he tested cell phone games, and then moved up to console gaming by testing at the former THQ game company. Realizing his true passion was with manga and anime, he decided to submit his story ideas to Tokyopop.
He was accepted in 2009 and published the first volume of his original manga, an action/adventure set in the world of witches and warlocks, titled Orange Crows. The series took an unfortunate break when Tokyopop stopped publishing manga.
Flash forward to 2013, and thanks to fan demand and the help of Kickstarter, James continues the series through self publishing with volume 2 of Orange Crows which will be releasing this year.
James has experience with both professional publishing and self publishing, and welcomes anyone who has questions to come visit his table. Just be warned, you'll probably be engaged in long talks about Air Gear, Evangelion, Persona, or one of his many interests!

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