Kitaki Mayu |
Kitaki Mayu Information
- Guests
- Kitaki Mayu
Kitaki Mayu has worked with a strong sound production team with various top producers on her 5 singles and the TriColor album. Her song Do You Remember Me was used as the theme song for the (live action) Japanese TV drama Kabachitare!
From an early age, she was fond of soul, motown and int'l music (her favorites are Carole King, and Sheryl Crow). A friend of Mayu introduced her to a music producer who was astonished by her talent and bright personality. With her energetic and hyperactive character. Mayu has a regular MC slot on Fuji TV's "FACTORY8" and BS Asahi's "GREAT plus FULL". Mayu also has a regular column titled "@RAMDOM" on Bar-f-Out and GETON, and frequently appear on fashion magazines (Though she is not a professional model, her good taste in fashion respected by young girls.)
- AnimeFEST 2002 - August 30 - September 2, 2002 in Dallas, TX
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