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Brittany Lauda

Actor / ADR Director
New York, NY

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Brittany Lauda is a voice actress and ADR director best known for playing Yuzuriha in "Dr. Stone," Riko in "Made in Abyss," Satoko Houjou in "Higurashi GOU/SOTSU," Ichigo in "DARLING in the FRANXX," Mai in "Nichijou," Cow Girl in "Goblin Slayer," Lessar in "A Certain Magical Index," Kenya in "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime," Doctor in "Akudama Drive," Young Law in "One Piece," Sui and Souta in "Darwin's Game," and Mirim in "Queen's Blade" (to name a few). You can also catch her voice in "Pokémon XY," "Rainbow High," "My Hero Academia," "Tokyo Ghoul:re," "Super HxEros," and "Interspecies Reviewers"; Hasbro apps and games like My Little Pony and Transformers; and various video games like MapleStory, Disgaea 6, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, Shadowverse, Granblue Fantasy, Gundam Battle Operation 2, Battlerite, HuniePop, SMITE, Yokai Kitchen, Heroes Arena, and Minotaur.

As an ADR director, some of her favorite series she has directed (lead/assistant) include "Akudama Drive," "Kemono Jihen," "Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These" (both seasons), "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime," "The Morose Mononokean," and "Hensuki: Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she's a cutie?" She also co-owns Kocha Sound with her husband, Matt Shipman.

48 confirmed guest appearances

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