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Alfred Trujillo Information

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  3. Alfred Trujillo

Alfred Trujillo

Comic Writer / Artist
Phoenix, AZ

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Alfred Trujillo is a Mexican-American comic book artist and writer based out of Phoenix Arizona. Ever since he decided to make art is full time career Alfred has taken the industry by storm, working for companies such as Zenescope Entertainment, Big Dog Ink, Chameleon, and Moonstone to name a few. Alfred founded and co-owns 183 Degree Studio, co-creates the independent book titled Project: Shadows and has illustrated covers for various titles. He travels internationally to comic book and pop- culture conventions promoting art and teaching drawing skills in panels and workshops. Always one to give back, Alfred takes extra time with young comic fans to share his love with the medium and sketching free for children. Alfred has also appeared on multiple interviews and segments on local and national TV and radio that deal with comic book making and marketing. Transcending his talents towards an international audience who might have not been given the Chance to learn and appreciate this amazing art form.

Even though his career as an artist and storyteller is very important, family is always first with Alfred. He is a proud father of two and is an active supporter of equal parenting rights. In fact, by definition, Alfred is a true activist, fighting for every parent where ever they might be; whether it is state side or abroad. Compassion, humility and work ethic has always been his strong suite in everything towards life.

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