Jeannie Tirado |

Jeannie Tirado Information

  2. Guests
  3. Jeannie Tirado

Jeannie Tirado

Los Angeles, CA

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Jeannie Tirado is an actor and musician, known for her work as Android 21 and Baby Pan in Dragon Ball, Koala in One Piece, Zera in Fairy Tail, Leila Malcal in Code Geass, Akira in Star Blazers 2199, and Sol in Smite, among many more titles! Raised in Orlando, Florida, and classically trained in piano and voice, Jeannie got her start in the studio recording album vocals for artists-which turned into commercial voice over- which turned into anime and video game work! She is now represented for film and English/Spanish voice over, and can currently been heard on the radio in numerous national commercials (even being the pilot's assist voice for a private British air charter!) Jeannie is having a blast living her dream. And the best is yet to come!

15 confirmed guest appearances

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