Kirby Morrow |

Kirby Morrow Information

  2. Guests
  3. Kirby Morrow

Kirby Morrow

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Wikipedia IMDb

Kirby Morrow was born in Jasper, Alberta on August 28th, 1973 and graduated with a degree in theatre from Mount Royal University in Calgary. Kirby trained in theatre and developed his vocal skills on the stand-up comedy stages around the world. He began voicing characters in various mediums (animation, Muppets, etc.) in 1997, amidst his flourishing acting career, which includes feature films, guest starring roles on television, and theatre. On November 18th, 2020, Kirby lost his life at the age of 47.

Kirby has voiced lead characters on the following cartoons: Project Arms, Barbie & the Nutcracker, Mary Kate & Ashley, Alienators, Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, X-Men: Evolution, The Vision of Escaflowne, Nascar Racers, Z-Mind, Brats of the Lost Nebula, Yvon of the Yukon, Ark, Hamtaro, Kong, Transformers Armada, Inuyasha, and more.

Kirby can also be seen in the feature films: Bones, Slapshot II, MVP, and Avalanche Alley. His television credits include guest starring roles on Special Unit 2, Jerimiah, Stargate SG-1, Outer Limits, Total Recall 2070, Highlander the Raven, Breaker High, Viper, Seven Days, First Wave, Ninjago, and a half dozen made for TV movies.

30 confirmed guest appearances

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