Mombasa Waterworks. (Hansard, 1 May 1911)
HC Deb 01 May 1911 vol 25 cc34-5 35
§asked whether any work has yet been undertaken in connection with the new waterworks at Mombasa; and, if not, when it is anticipated that a beginning will be made?
Mr. HARCOURTApproval has not yet been given for the institution of a new water supply for Mombasa, the funds for which would have to be provided, in the first instance, by this country.
§ Mr. MITCHELL-THOMSONWill the right hon. Gentleman say whether, in view of the urgency of the matter he can give any idea as to when the work is likely to be completed?
§ Earl WINTERTONHas the right hon. Gentleman received any representations from the inhabitants of the district as to the danger of the present water supply?
Mr. HARCOURTI have received many representations, but I do not know if danger is amongst them.