Common Rights. (Hansard, 1 January 1913)
HC Deb 01 January 1913 vol 46 cc350-1 350
§ 27.asked the President of the Board of Agriculture if he will state upon what grounds he has withheld his consent to the proposal of the Earl of Westmorland, as lord of the manor of Sharlston, to enclose and convey 368 square yards of the common, consisting of seventy acres, to the manager of the Church of England school at Sharlston for the purpose of extending the playground and building necessary conveniences for the school; whether any commoner or owner of commonable rights has objected to such enclosure and conveyance; and whether he is aware that the 368 square yards in question are bare ground without grass or any herbage growing upon it?
§ The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Runciman)The facts are substantially as stated in the question. I refused my consent because in my opinion a proposal to enlarge the premises of a privately-owned school affords no justification for the enclosure of common land.
§ Mr. LANE-FOXIs it not a fact that the Board of Agriculture, in the first instance, sent a letter to the managers of the school, saying they might expect their consent in the following month, and in consequence the building was proceeded with; and is it the intention to have the building pulled down now?
§ Mr. RUNCIMANI am not aware of the communication to which the hon. Member refers, but, so far as I am concerned, I cannot agree to the enclosure of any common land.
§ Mr. LANE-FOXIs it not a fact that the Board have no right to refuse such a suggestion except on the ground that those having commonable right object?
§ Mr. RUNCIMANI cannot admit the suggestion made by the hon. Gentleman. I am charged with the duty of preventing common lands from being enclosed.
§ Earl WINTERTONHas the right hon. Gentleman consulted the commoners and got their opinion?
§ Mr. RUNCIMANI cannot agree to commoners alienating common rights.
§ Mr. LANE-FOXHas the right hon. Gentleman had any objection made to him by any individual?
§ Mr. RUNCIMANI must have notice of that, but even if I had no objection by any individual in the district I should still oppose it.