RIFLE CLUBS. (Hansard, 11 June 1913)
HC Deb 11 June 1913 vol 53 c1606 1606
§ 22.asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the fact that many young men are deterred from joining rifle clubs by the heavy cost of ammunition, he will consider the possibility of reducing the charge of £4 5s. per thousand rounds which is made for the same?
§ Colonel SEELYThe question of granting ammunition at reduced prices to rifle clubs is under consideration.
§ Earl WINTERTONWould the right hon. Gentleman in considering the matter take into consideration that the charge now made by the War Office is higher than that made by private firms?
§ Colonel SEELYThis is an important question, and it is being looked into at the present time.
§ Major ANSTRUTHER-GRAYCan the right hon. Gentleman say when it, will be settled, seeing that the members of clubs are losing the best weather at the present time?
§ Colonel SEELYI do not think this depends upon weather. We are considering what steps it is best to take. Of course, a great deal of shooting takes place in winter. The hon. and gallant Gentleman is wrong in supposing that it only takes place in summer.